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Washington, D.C. – Wyoming’s U. S. Senators Craig Thomas and Mike Enzi, both R-Wyo., voted against an immigration reform bill because it would help illegal immigrants qualify for Social Security and other benefits and contains amnesty provisions that would give them an advantage over others applying for citizenship.

The Senate passed the measure by a vote of 62-36 today.

"Unfortunately, the Senate bill includes far too many bad ideas – I can’t support a bill that offers amnesty and benefits as a reward for illegal activity," said Thomas.

"This bill would increase border security and make English our national language, but it also would give illegal immigrants amnesty and put them in line ahead of those who have been following the rules to gain citizenship legally. I could not vote for this bill that rewards people for breaking the rules," said Enzi. "The House bill is a strong security measure and I am hopeful that when members work out the differences in the two bills, we will shed the amnesty provisions that weigh the Senate version down."

The House passed immigration legislation in December 2005 that does not contain amnesty provisions and concentrates mainly on border security. Senate and House conference committee members will attempt to work out a compromise on the two versions of the legislation.

"We need stronger employment verification and tougher accountability provisions. It will be rough sleddin’ as we work out the differences between the House and Senate versions, but in the end our citizens deserve a sound national policy, not another amnesty program," said Thomas.

"Foreign workers have important roles in Wyoming in a variety of industries, including our agriculture and hospitality businesses. I recognize the necessity of these workers, but I also believe employers have a fundamental responsibility to only hire those workers who are legally in the United States. Employers who knowingly hire illegal workers should be held accountable," Enzi said. "Immigration reform legislation should not discourage new immigrants from following our laws. Unfortunately, that is exactly what the Senate bill does."

Thomas and Enzi said they will vote against any immigration package that fails to meet their standards. Both senators oppose amnesty and support strengthening U.S. borders. Another priority of Thomas’ is mandatory electronic employment verification and tough employer accountability provisions which increase penalties for those who knowingly hire illegal immigrants. Enzi maintains that any immigration law must serve the economic needs of our country and should provide some incentives for temporary, foreign workers to return permanently to their home countries after their period of work in the United States has expired.