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Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., launched a new and improved website this week that includes better graphics, more information, improved interaction and a feature that allows residents of each county to zero in on news that relates to their area.

"This website is designed to help people quickly connect with the information they need. Whether someone is looking for the latest news, a photo, bill number, past news release or links to other sites, it is all within reach with the click of a mouse," said Enzi. "In addition to improving access to audio and video clips, the website features a sign-up box for a monthly newsletter that will include information about recent bill co-sponsorships, letters I’ve written, groups I’ve met with any other useful information about my day to day work in the Senate. There’s also a place where people can type in their county number or click on their county from a state map. This will bring up information that relates to the specific county."

The website features an e-mail template for people to write directly to the senator. Enzi encourages people to contact him through e-mail since it is faster than mailing. Students interested in Wyoming facts, U.S. Senate history or internships will find helpful links and application forms in addition to staff contact information.

Enzi encourages citizens to visit his website, sign-up for his newsletter, look through photo galleries, e-mail him with comments or questions, and explore his new site. The address remains