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Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-WY, Chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, today praised the strength of America ’s economy as it continues to create new, higher-paying jobs.  The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today that payroll employment increased by 75,000 in May, bringing the unemployment rate down to 4.6 percent – the lowest since July 2001.


            “The numbers released today reflect a strong, growing economy across the entire country,” Enzi said.  “I’m pleased to see that the unemployment rate is continuing to go down, providing more jobs and more opportunities for America ’s working families.”


            This news comes on the heels of a Commerce Department report that real gross domestic product (GDP) growth for the first quarter was 5.3 percent, the fastest growth in two-and-half years.  


            Under Republican leadership, the U.S. economy has created 5.3 million new jobs since August 2003, including 2 million in the last year.  It has also resulted in 33 months of sustained job creation.  According to a recent report by the Christian Science Monitor, these aren’t just jobs – they are high-skill, high-paying jobs.


            “The GDP growth and the increase in high-paying jobs are proof-positive that the programs we have in place are working,” Enzi said.  “They also underscore the need for Congress to extend these programs, particularly the Workforce Investment Act and the President’s YouthBuild initiative, which together will spark added momentum in the burgeoning economy.  These programs are essential to help both workers and employers close the skills gap that jeopardizes America ’s long-term competitiveness.”


            Enzi encouraged his colleagues on both sides of the aisle to further strengthen the economy by controlling spending and reducing taxes, a pro-growth policy approach that will continue to create economic growth and lower the deficit.


            “We must continue to promote tax relief to keep money in the hands of working families and encourage new investment in the economy,” Enzi said.  “We must exercise fiscal restraint in federal spending in order to preserve valuable resources and services for our children and grandchildren.”