Gerry ConnollyПідтверджений профіль


Proudly representing Virginia's 11th District

Virginia's 11th District
Дата приєднання: вересень 2009


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  1. 8 годин тому

    Today, the President poured salt on the wounds of federal employees by instituting a pay freeze for 2019 in the middle of the Trump Shutdown. Congress must reopen the federal government, make federal employees whole, and restore the dignity of federal service.

  2. ретвітнув(ла)
    27 груд.

    “The President and his acolytes…are engaged actively in revisionist history,” Democratic Rep. says. “Remember a little over a week ago, a clean funding bill for the government passed the Senate unanimously … What happened?"

  3. ретвітнув(ла)
    27 груд.

    “I believe the first crack in this situation will be when the Democrats come into the majority status on January 3rd and I believe one of the first orders of business will be to pass a funding bill and send it over to the Senate,” Dem Rep. says about the shutdown.

  4. ретвітнув(ла)
    27 груд.

    Democratic Rep. on President Trump’s desire for a border wall: “We’re in no mood to play his political games. The wall is a symbol for him and his base. It’s not a serious proposal to deal with border security and we don’t want to play that game.”

  5. ретвітнув(ла)
    26 груд.

    We'll talk to and about the govt shutdown.

    Показати цей потік
  6. 25 груд.

    Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!

  7. 24 груд.

    It’s Christmas Eve and the President is still holding federal workers, government contractors, and the American public who rely on govt services hostage for a wall Mexico was supposed to pay for. Trump’s shutdown would be over if Speaker Ryan let us vote on Senate-passed deal.

  8. 22 груд.

    Speaking at two naturalization ceremonies today welcoming 850 New American citizens. My 22 and 23d such ceremonies. Congrats to my new fellow Americans!

  9. 22 груд.

    Celebrating the swearing in of 422 new citizens today! Welcome, my fellow Americans! Your presence here enriches our community and our country.

  10. 22 груд.
  11. 21 груд.

    Kevin McCarthy all but admitted government will shut down tonight in colloquy on House floor.

  12. 21 груд.

    The is pointless and harmful. My Republican colleagues know that keeping the government open is Congress’s core responsibility. Yet they have surrendered our independence and our authority to placate a volatile president.

  13. 21 груд.

    What shouldn’t be lost in Trump’s shutdown is House Republicans are allowing the Violence Against Women Act to expire. A shameful end to Speaker Ryan’s tenure.

  14. 21 груд.

    Merry Shutdown and bah humbug.

  15. 21 груд.

    Just 10 days ago you said “I will be the one to shut it down. I'm not going to blame you for it.” You said it on camera in your own office. A week of your presidency may feel like a lifetime, Mr. President, but it’d be pretty hard to forget that.

  16. 21 груд.

    A reminder for today that despite what the President tweets during Executive Time, he already said he would be the one to own this Christmas Shutdown. His chaos and dysfunction is no way to run government.

  17. 20 груд.

    Quite a day in our nation's Capital. The brink of a . A unilateral retreat from Syria. The stock market in chaos. Meanwhile, Mike Pence fiddles.

  18. 20 груд.

    Mattis resignation, Syria abandonment and government shutdown. Can anyone spell crisis ?

  19. 20 груд.

    President Trump’s Oval Office temper tantrum didn’t get him his wall, so now he’s throwing a bigger one. But don’t forget: if the government shuts down, he already told us who to blame. P.S. Wasn't Mexico supposed to pay for the wall?

  20. 20 груд.

    Speaker Ryan, you don’t work for Trump. He can’t tell the House and Senate what to do. Show some courage and standup to the Shutdown Caucus. Let the House vote.


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