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Congressman Brad Schneider

Representing the 10th District of Illinois

Brad's Bookworms

Congressman Brad Schneider is launching the second annual "Brad's Bookworms" program to encourage reading and learning for elementary school students (grades K-5) and their families!

Children participating in the program are asked to read and log 10 books with help from parents, grandparents, older siblings, or other family members between June 21 and November 30, 2018, and track their progress toward this goal. Young people who meet the 10 books goal will be invited with their families to a recognition ceremony with Congressman Schneider in December 2018 to celebrate their achievement.

Students are also invited to take part in a contest to design a bookmark, and copies of the winning bookmark will be distributed to all children who complete the 10 books goal.

Questions? Please call our Lincolnshire Office at (847) 383-4870.

Program Dates:

June 21, 2018                   
Program Begins.
November 30, 2018         
Program Ends. All signed permission slips, completed log sheets and bookmark contest entries due to Congressman Schneider’s District Office at 111 Barclay Blvd, Suite 200.
December 17, 2018               
Brad’s Bookworms Reception with Congressman Schneider.


Program Resources: