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Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., Chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, today said he is deeply disappointed that dozens of Democrats have moved to block a vote on S.1955, which would give working families better access to affordable health insurance, and relief from rising health care costs.

“Actions speak louder than words. Senators showed what action they were willing to take on behalf of the women and men who work for and own small businesses. Unfortunately, there were many who sacrificed this moment of action and made a statement instead. They argued that we should deny the people in small business from having anything until we can get them everything. The senators then went on to promise everything in their bill, but they refused to take action,” Enzi said.

Sixty votes were needed in order to pass the motion which would allow amendments to be offered and a final vote on the bill. The final vote was 55-43.
“We’ve achieved more with this bill in the Senate than any other small business health bill in more than a dozen years. The voice of people without insurance keeps getting louder. My colleagues will have to listen. We’re going to keep up the effort to move this small business health plans forward,” Enzi said.