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Washington, D.C. – Wyoming remains at the front of the pack when it comes to states with low unemployment rates, according to statistics released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., is pleased with the numbers and is looking for ways to help workers increase their skills so they can earn even more.

“These numbers are a reminder that pro-growth tax relief legislation can boost the economy and unlock the stores of productivity that the U.S. holds. We don’t want to stop here however because education should never stop. From birth to retirement, at every stage of life people should expand their skills to be more valuable in the work place,” said Enzi.

Wyoming has the third lowest unemployment rate in the country at 3.2 percent and has seen an increase of 10,100 jobs since April of 2005. Employment increased in 41 states during April and the country’s overall unemployment rate was 4.7 percent.

Under Enzi’s leadership the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee has laid a foundation to boost the competitiveness of American workers by sending the “Workforce Investment Act” and other measures to the Senate floor for consideration. These important bills are designed to help retain America’s competitive edge in the global economy by ensuring that higher and technical education is available for today’s students to prepare them for the demands of tomorrow’s workplace.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics Report can be accessed at .