Kickstarting Careers

Sep 3, 2013
           Congressman Langevin with students in the Community Kitchen Program

Dear Friends,

The August district work period is one of my favorite times of year, not only because I get to spend more time in our beautiful state, but most importantly because I get to interact more with all of you – the constituents whose concerns and feedback direct my work in Washington.

It was a productive month, as I continued the efforts we began in 2010 at the Rhode Island Summit on the Economy. That forum gave way to a Rhode Island Skilled Economy (RISE) Tour, which picked up this month with a series of Classroom to Career visits to highlight skills and jobs training programs across the Second District. Each stop shed light on a different aspect of workforce development, from arts education and IT training to soft skills like resume writing and how to excel in an interview.

I learned from program coordinators about the demands of the current job market and was able to share that important information with Rhode Islanders of all ages who are looking for stable employment. In order to keep our promising young people here, we must invest in quality education and training programs and the promise of good jobs to come. If we support our workforce, they will in turn boost our economy.

It has been a frustrating session in Congress so far, with my Republican colleagues blocking important legislation and thwarting plans that stand to benefit so many Rhode Islanders, including passage of the Workforce Investment Act, education reform, and critical nutrition programs like food stamps in the Farm Bill. I know that frustration is being felt back at home. But buoyed by your support and empowered by the great work being done across my district, I am determined to help break this stalemate. By working together, I know we can move this country forward.

As this session resumes, please let me know how I am doing. Share your thoughts via email, Facebook and Twitter, and check out my YouTube and Flickr pages.


           Rep. Langevin's Signature

Congressman Langevin at a town hall meeting at Kingston Library
Hearing You Out
As your representative in Congress, I answer to you. I am always looking for opportunities to spend time in our communities, talking with constituents about the issues that are affecting our state and our country. I was excited to meet with many of you at two Town Hall meetings this month, which were open to the public. At the Cranston and Kingston Libraries, these forums gave me a chance to provide an update on my legislative work and field questions from dozens of Rhode Islanders. Both meetings yielded productive discussions, so thank you to those who attended and asked such thoughtful questions.
Second District Congressional delegation
Ready to Work
Spending time with my constituents gives me perspective, and I hope that my colleagues in Congress will likewise return to Washington with renewed determination. There is much to do through the end of the year, including increasing the federal debt ceiling so our nation doesn’t default on its obligations and passing a budget that replaces sequestration with a balanced approach to deficit reduction. We cannot balance our books on the backs of vulnerable Americans. The same is true for immigration reform, which would save our country money and would open up the American Dream to immigrants now living in the shadows. The time for bickering is over; let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work.
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