Welcome to Washington

Apr 1, 2014
           Congressman Langevin with Honor Flight participants at the World War II Memorial

Dear Friends,

With the forecast this week inching toward 60 degrees, it appears that winter has finally broken. The promise of warmer weather and longer days has me itching for summer – eating outdoors at my favorite waterfront restaurants and spending time outside with family and friends. I’m sure you feel the same; after the winter we’ve had in Rhode Island, we deserve some sunshine.

This is also a busy time of year for many families, with the school year winding down and weekends jam packed with activities. As you begin to plan your April break or your summer getaway, I wanted to remind you that my office is here to help facilitate your visit to Washington, D.C.

It is a beautiful time of year in our nation’s capital. The National Park Service estimates that the peak bloom of Washington’s signature cherry blossom trees will be from April 8 to 12. The warmer weather is more conducive to the many walking destinations in the city, as well. My website gives a brief overview of some of the must-see D.C. destinations, from the Supreme Court and the Library of Congress to the National Cathedral. My office can personally provide a tour of the Capitol, courtesy of my newest staff member, Sam Chasin. We can also help you arrange a White House tour. I advise you to put your bid in early, as tours are scheduled on a first come, first served basis, and must be done at least 21 days in advance.

I am so lucky that my work takes me to two of the most beautiful places in our country – Rhode Island and Washington. If you have never been to D.C., I strongly urge you to add it to your bucket list. It is an incredible city filled with history and excitement, and I am confident you and your family will love it.

To learn more about how my office can help you, visit my website, and follow me on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.


           Rep. Langevin's Signature

Congressman Langevin with a RI Heritage Days participant
Call to Action
Immigration reform is about providing a path to citizenship for people who want to make this country better. It is about bringing undocumented immigrants into our system so we know who is here and can ensure they follow the rules. It is about making smart financial choices. And it is about doing the right thing. The Senate passed a strong, bipartisan reform bill, and now it is up to the House to bring this issue to a vote. I signed the discharge petition because regardless of the outcome, immigration reform is an issue that constituents deserve to know our positions on.
Congressman Langevin and Congressman Cicilline
Flood Relief Reality
After a 306-91 vote in the House, the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act passed the Senate, bringing relief to the many coastal property owners in Rhode Island who faced skyrocketing costs in flood insurance. This bipartisan compromise refunds excess charges already paid, reinstates the “grandfathering” process and makes costs more predictable.
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