
Brooke and I are saddened to hear of the passing of President George H. W. Bush, and our prayers are with the Bush family. President Bush was the last of the Greatest Generation to serve as president, and his legacy reflects the values learned through hardship and war: integrity, humility, and honor. He wore many hats during his long career, including Congressman, Ambassador, and Vice President. He also served with distinction as Director of Central Intelligence. As president..., he guided America through a pivotal moment in history at the end of the Cold War and the liberation of Eastern Europe.

But above all he was a proud father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. And for 73 years, he was a devoted husband to his beloved Barbara, with whom he is now reunited.

It is a testament to President Bush’s character that history will remember not only his impressive achievements, but his many kind and compassionate words along the way. ‘Be strong, be kind, be generous of spirit, be understanding and let people know how grateful you are,’ he wrote in his diary the night he lost re-election. ‘Finish with a smile and some gusto and do what’s right and finish strong.’

He was an example to us all, and his smile and gusto will be sorely missed.

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In our ongoing effort to help #HurricaneFlorence victims, Senator Thom Tillis and I joined our House colleagues in supporting Governor Cooper's request today for additional disaster relief funding. North Carolina still needs our help rebuilding in areas affected by the storm, and we will continue to make sure our state gets the federal assistance it needs.

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