Representative Sheila Jackson Lee

Representing the 18th District of TEXAS


Members of the armed forces are important to our nation, and we show them our appreciation by taking care of them after they have completed their service. As a Member of Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee has fought to ensure that veterans have the access to the quality healthcare that they deserve.

Our nation has a proud legacy of appreciation and commitment to the men and women who have worn the uniform in defense of this country. We must be united in seeing that every soldier, sailor, airman, and marine is welcomed back with all the care and compassion this grateful nation can bestow. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee believes in helping our veterans even after their honorable service. This is why she has sponsored H.R. 76 Helping to Encourage Real Opportunity for Veterans Transitioning from Battlespace to Workplace Act.

When the Second World War finally came to an end in 1945, celebrations erupted on the streets of cities and towns across our nation. One of the most enduring images of that war is not a picture of bombs or destruction, but of a jubilant soldier kissing a woman in New York City’s Times Square. The veterans we continue to honor as the "Greatest Generation" returned home not only to open arms, but also to the G.I. Bill, which offered them college or vocational education, as well as one year of unemployment compensation. It also provided loans for returning veterans to buy homes and start businesses.

Unfortunately, our nation’s recognition of those who served in subsequent conflicts has been less than adequate. We have, in recent decades, too often failed to overcome our political differences to recognize the truly remarkable achievements of our courageous veterans. Though Congresswoman Jackson Lee opposed the war in Iraq from its inception, she remains absolutely committed to ensuring our sons and daughters returning from different international conflicts will receive the recognition they deserve and the services and support that they need. 

Congresswoman Jackson Lee recently introduced groundbreaking legislation entitled “Helping to Encourage Real Opportunity for Veterans Transitioning from Battlespace to Workplace Act of 2015 (HEROS).” Her legislation recognizes the need to honor our service beyond their tenure in uniform. Our veterans should not have to struggle to find gainful employment after fighting so gallantly to protect our freedoms. The Heroes Act calls for the appointment of  a "military relations manager" as an expert in the process of transitioning from being a member of the Armed Forces to being a civilian and in translating the skills, experience, and training gained in the Armed Forces to skills, experience, and training needed in the private sector. This act allows employers a business-related tax credit for the number of veterans who begin work resulting from the efforts of a military relations manager.

Veterans continue to have many unanswered needs, and Congresswoman Jackson Lee continues to fight for the rights of our most patriotic Americans. Veterans have kept their promise to serve our nation; they have willingly risked their lives to protect the country we all love. We must now ensure that we keep our promises to our veterans.

More on Veterans

Dec 7, 2018 Press Release


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                      Contact: Robin K. Chand

December 7, 2018                                                                              202-225-3816

Press Statement


Nov 14, 2018 Press Release


For Immediate Release                                                                  Contact: Robin Chand

November 14, 2018                                                                                                (202) 225–3816

Press Statement

Nov 13, 2018 Press Release


For Immediate Release                                                                  Contact: Robin Chand

November 11, 2018                                                                                                 (202) 225–3816

Press Statement

Feb 10, 2016 Press Release

February 9, 2016

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, a Senior Member of the House Homeland Security and House Judiciary Committees, released the following statement after the President released is final budget today:

Dec 21, 2015 Press Release

HOUSTON, TX – Congresswoman Jackson Lee today will present the Purple Heart to Vietnam Veteran and Constituent Earl J. Barnes. The Purple Heart is awarded to members of the armed forces of the U.S. who are wounded by an instrument of war in the hands of the enemy and posthumously to the next of kin in the name of those who are killed in action or die of wounds received in action. It is a combat decoration. The Congresswoman released the following statement:

Jul 22, 2015 Press Release

Washington, DC - Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, a senior member of the Committees on Homeland Security and the Judiciary, Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations, released the following statement today expressing support, gratitude, and appreciation for all who have worn the uniform in the Armed Services of the United States:

Dec 23, 2014 Editorial

Dear Friends:

As the year 2014 comes to an end, I thought it might be helpful to provide you a brief summary of some of the many activities that I have been engaged in this year on behalf of the constituents of the 18th Congressional District of Texas. I am pleased to report that, working together, we have achieved a number of successes that have made, and are making, a positive difference in the lives of  all persons residing in the congressional district in the following areas:

Protecting Medicare and Social Security.