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Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., looks forward to voting on Judge Samuel Alito, President Bush’s nomination to the United States Supreme Court. The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 10-8 in favor of Alito today. The full Senate is expected to vote on Judge Alito this week.

Comments from Senator Enzi follow.

“I believe Judge Alito knows the difference between benches and bills, courts and Congress. His appointment will move the court back closer to the brand of justice the framers of our Constitution intended and I intend to support him.”

“Judge Alito has an excellent judicial reputation as being highly intelligent and fair-minded. In 1990 he was confirmed unanimously by the U.S. Senate for the Court of Appeals for the third circuit. I have carefully reviewed Judge Alito’s qualifications and watched the recently completed Senate confirmation hearing. The testimony provided by Judge Alito and the other witnesses underscores his commitment to the rule of law and a fair and impartial judiciary that interprets the law rather than legislates from the bench. I look forward to a fair up-or-down vote on his nomination. I will support his confirmation.”