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construction workers smiling

Jobs and the Economy

Hardworking Americans deserve an economy that works for them. A strong economy, good jobs, and worker protections have made the United States a prosperous country and have ensured that the next generation can build better lives. Read More
stethoscope on a clipboard

Health Care

I believe adequate health care should be a right for every American. Health care is an issue that concerns every one of us, regardless of what we look like or where we come from. We all want what is best for the health and well-being of ourselves and our families. I was proud to vote for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010.

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We are a nation of immigrants, and I am proud of the heritage of inclusion that defines us all as Americans. Our country thrives on the innovation, culture, and diversity that immigrants from all walks of life bring to the United States.

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As the only PhD physicist in Congress, I know firsthand the great contributions science has made to our country.  The United States is a leader in innovation and federally funded scientific research has improved the quality of life for millions of people around the world.

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Civil Rights

Every individual should have the right to live free from discrimination and pursue their dreams regardless of race, sexual orientation, or gender identity. As the son of a Civil Rights lawyer who wrote much of the enforcement language of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, this issue is a top priority for me.

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Opioid Crisis

The heroin and opioid epidemic has claimed too many loved ones, shattered too many lives, and broken too many families. It is a public health crisis that requires immediate attention from lawmakers and the medical community.

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schoolroom desks and chairs


Long before I was a businessman or a physicist, I was a curious kid. I was always taking things apart to see how they worked, or trying to make something new.

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soldier saluting the US flag

Veterans Issues

The men and women who wear our nation’s uniform are extraordinary people who are always prepared to meet the challenges of our time. I support measures to address veteran homelessness, improve the veteran health care system, and facilitate a smooth transition to civilian life for all returning veterans.

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Wind turbine and blue sky

Energy and Environment

As a PhD scientist, I utilize my expertise to make thoughtful policy decisions on issues related to the energy and environment. Read More

Infrastructure and Transportation

Reliable and safe infrastructure drives economic growth and connects us to the places that are important to us and our families. One of my biggest priorities is making sure that Illinois is not systematically shortchanged by federal transportation money.

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US Capitol Building

Congressional Issues

I am proud to represent the 11th District of Illinois. It is my duty to make sure Congress works as it should. Members of Congress are endowed with a responsibility to not only represent their constituents, but to also govern responsibly.

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