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Energy and Environment

As a PhD scientist, I utilize my expertise to make thoughtful policy decisions on issues related to the energy and environment. We know that climate change is real and largely man-made. While some politicians claim it’s a hoax, most experts believe we will begin to see very significant economic, political, and social consequences from climate change if we do not act now. I support sound economic policies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect our environment for the next generation.  

Thanks to decades of federally funded research, we have made great progress towards energy independence. The growth and development of our modern economy during the last century raised our standard of living, but has also led to new challenges and environmental threats. It is our responsibility to develop a comprehensive response to address our dependence on fossil fuels, promote sustainable energy use, and invest in new energy technologies. Research at Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois leads the way in the kind of innovation we need to make energy more efficient. These projects will help make batteries (including the ones we use in hybrid cars) more cost effective and more powerful.

My Work on Energy and Environment

Nov 29, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Bill Foster (D-IL) introduced H.R. 7189, the Expanding Transparency of Information and Safeguarding Toxics (EtO is Toxic) Act of 2018. The legislation would require the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to publish its Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) and its National Air Toxic Assessment (NATA) assessments in the Federal Registry where it would be accessible to state and local health agencies, other federal agencies, and international health organizations.

Nov 26, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Bill Foster (D-IL) issued the following statement after the release of the National Climate Assessment on the potential consequences of climate change on the United States. The National Climate Assessment is a report issued by 13 federal agencies and is mandated by Congress every four years to study the effects of climate change in the United States. This report estimated that climate change could reduce growth domestic product by ten percent by the year 2100.

Sep 25, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Representative Bill Foster (D-IL-11) wrote to the U.S.

Sep 25, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Bill Foster (D-IL) and Congressman Steven Knight (R-CA) announced that the bipartisan Better Energy Storage Technology (BEST) Act was signed into law last week. The legislation authorizes $45 million to support the creation of three public-private partnership projects to develop energy storage technology that is commercially viable and can adequately support the electrical grid.

Jul 6, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – “Scott Pruitt’s resignation is long overdue. He not only deliberately reversed years of environmental regulations and climate change research, he also wildly misused taxpayer money for unnecessary and wasteful purchases. Every member of the Trump administration, including the President, should take their job seriously and advance the long-term interests of the American people instead of business interests or personal comfort.

Jun 10, 2018 In The News

A group of environmental experts were in Aurora Saturday to mark the one-year anniversary of when President Donald Trump announced that the United States would withdraw from the 

Apr 25, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, Congressman Bill Foster (D-IL) and Congressman Steven Knight (R-CA) introduced H.R. 5610, the Better Energy Storage Technology (BEST) Act. The legislation would authorize $45 million to support the creation of three public-private partnership projects to develop energy storage technology that is commercially viable and can adequately support the electrical grid. The BEST Act would direct the Secretary of Energy to establish aggressive “moonshot” goals to develop improved capacity and lower costs for grid-scale storage.

Feb 27, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC - I am deeply concerned about reports that the Environmental Protection Agency will eliminate the National Center for Environmental Research. From day one, this administration has sought to weaken and outright eliminate science departments and programs, and this reorganization is no different. It is irresponsible to the future of this country to use the guise of efficiency and reorganization as excuses to weaken scientific inquiry.

Feb 12, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC - As expected, President Trump’s budget proposes to follow up massive Republican tax cuts for the wealthy with cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, science, and education, while wasting countless taxpayer dollars on his wall with Mexico and unchecked military spending. 

Jan 9, 2018 In The News

Scientists at Fermilab were told Tuesday by Secretary of Energy Rick Perry the particle physics research facility is one of the "jewels" of the United States.

"The things that you do right here in Fermi and the ability to change people's lives in a powerful way has never been greater than it is today," Perry said in a speech at an "all-hands" event in its headquarters in Wilson Hall.