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Congressman Mike Quigley

Representing the 5th District of Illinois

Quigley Statement on Jeff Sessions

Nov 7, 2018
Press Release

Today, U.S. Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05), who serves as a Member of the House Intelligence Committee, released the following statement on President Trump’s removal of Attorney General Jeff Sessions:  

“Less than twenty-four hours after Democrats won the majority in the House, President Trump is already taking his next steps to end the Russia investigation, putting his insecurities about the ongoing probe on full display. If this decision was designed to circumvent Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, and therefore, undermine the scope of Special Counsel Mueller’s work, it would be obstruction of justice in the most fundamental sense. It is no coincidence that President Trump’s pick for Acting Attorney General has publicly denounced the investigation and accused Mueller of ‘going too far,’ putting his impartiality into serious question. Because of these comments advocating for limitations on the probe, Matthew Whitaker should also recuse himself from its oversight.

“There is no doubt that President Trump believes he is above the law and moving to impede a fair, impartial investigation proves it. We cannot allow that to happen.

“The American people spoke last night, and they were loud and clear in their desire for the House to demand transparency and accountability from the White House. Democrats reclaiming the House could not have come at a more urgent time, as we prepare to reinforce oversight and reinstate the checks and balances of our government that have been missing for the past two years. In doing so, we will continue to protect Special Counsel Mueller’s search for answers, without fear of an unjust removal spurred purely by partisan motivations and the president’s self-preservation.”