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Constituent Success Stories

My district staff works hard to help connect constituents to government agencies. Read some of their success stories, and testimonials from constituents they helped, on this page.


Saira, a DREAMer, reached out about her work permit that was set to expire. She had already submitted renewal paperwork with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services office, but after not hearing back, Saira called my office for help. Our district representative placed a formal inquiry into the USCIS Service Center. Just a few days later, we got word back that Saira’s application was processed and that she would hear from them soon. “If it wasn’t for their service,” Saira said, “I wouldn’t be where I am today. I wouldn’t have my job or my home.” I’m proud of the work my staff did to help Saira and am here to help you or anyone you know who needs help dealing with a government agency, such as Social Security, Medicare, or VA benefits.



Armando, a resident of Las Vegas and a constituent in Nevada’s 3rd Congressional District, reached out to our office in March 2017 regarding the status of his N-400 application for naturalization. It had been almost a year since he last heard anything from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), even though he submitted several requests. Armando opened a case with staff in my district office to inquire when he might hear back from the agency.

Shortly after our staff followed up with USCIS, Armando received notice that his N-400 application was processed.

“Congresswoman Rosen’s staff was very responsive and helpful from the moment I hopped on the phone to ask about my naturalization application,” said Armando. “I’m very grateful to the Congresswoman and her staff for their assistance. Their help made all the difference.”



In April, Deborah’s husband passed away. This was an extremely difficult time in her life made even worse when Social Security incorrectly declared she was dead. During this time, she was unable to access her bank accounts, pick up her prescription medication through Medicare, or receive her Social Security. When Deborah contacted my office in Las Vegas, we were able to help her put her life back together.

"The only help I got was in Jacky Rosen's office," said Deborah. "They responded immediately. They were kind and compassionate, and got the job done."


Gary Parker

Mr. Gary Parker is a Marine Corps Veteran and a resident of Nevada’s 3rd Congressional District. He contacted our office in March 2018 for assistance with his VA case. Mr. Parker had requested disability benefits and special compensation to cover treatment for cancer that likely occurred as a result of exposure to contaminated water during his time in the military.

After follow-up inquiries to the VA by my staff, Mr. Parker was granted 100% disability as well as special compensation. These decisions resulted in nearly $50,000 in retroactive awards for Mr. Parker as well as a monthly compensation.

“I’m not sure I would have been able to get the decision and benefits from the VA that I did without Congresswoman Rosen’s help,” said Mr. Parker. “Her staff was very helpful and polite throughout my case. I’m grateful for the work Congresswoman Rosen and her staff are doing to help veterans like me here in Nevada.”