Apr 13 2004

CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA -- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) today announced a funding solution that should provide the Charleston Area Regional Transportation Authority (CARTA) with sufficient operating funds for the immediate future. Under the proposed plan, CARTA would “trade” some of its already appropriated federal funds – money that cannot be used for operating expenditures – for state money to pay for its paratransit services. Paratransit service generally means comparable transportation service, including demand-response service, for individuals with disabilities who are unable to use the fixed route transportation systems. CARTA would then be able to use the money that would be obligated for those services as operating revenue. The state and federal governments would neither lose nor gain money in this transaction. “This is an occasion where people in government found a way to make things happen instead of dwelling on why they could not,” said Graham. “This is a major breakthrough in the funding dilemma facing CARTA.” “Over the past several months, I have been pleased to work with CARTA, our local officials, and the congressional delegation to ensure they would be able to continue offering transit services to those in need,” said Graham. “CARTA’s continued operation is essential to those who rely on its services to get to work, to go to the store, or who have other business in the Charleston region. This plan will assist CARTA in achieving its goal of remaining a transportation link in the area.” “The ability to maintain a funding stream to keep CARTA operational until a new referendum is held will avoid a major disruption of service,” said Graham. “Transferring funds will allow services to continue in an acceptable manner until the voters have a chance to have their say. The ultimate decision as to whether CARTA will survive and if so, in what form, is in the hands of the taxpayers as it always should have been.” ######

Apr 01 2004

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham’s long, nearly five year effort to make it a crime at the federal level for a criminal to attack a pregnant woman and do harm to her unborn child is now law. At a White House East Room ceremony attended by Graham, President Bush today signed the Unborn Victims of Violence Act (UVVA). “Regardless of pro-life or pro-choice feelings, almost 80 percent of Americans want separate prosecutions of criminals who attack pregnant women and injure their unborn child,” said Graham. “When a woman chooses to have a child, no criminal should take that right away.” “Unfortunately, pregnant women are often attacked for the purpose of injuring or killing the unborn child,” said Graham. “It would be a grave injustice for the law to only recognize one victim in such cases.” Graham twice pushed the legislation through the House in a bipartisan manner, but until last week it never came up for debate or a vote in the U.S. Senate. That changed last Thursday, when as a U.S. Senator, Graham played a leading role along with Senator Mike DeWine (R-OH) in pushing the legislation through the Senate. UVVA closes the gap in federal law by allowing two prosecutions for more than 60 federal crimes of violence including crimes committed on federal property, crimes against federal personnel, and crimes committed on military bases. “The Laci Peterson case is a clear example of a situation where two victims were involved,” said Graham. “Under California law, separate prosecutions are allowed for death or injury to the unborn child or mother. There is no such provision in federal law dealing with federal crimes of violence.” As an example, Graham noted a situation where a pregnant woman visiting the U.S. Capitol is assaulted and loses her unborn child. Since the Capitol is under Federal jurisdiction and there is currently no law on the federal books, the assailant could only be held accountable for the crime against the mother. The assailant would face no charge or receive no punishment for the harm done to the unborn child. The UVVA specifically exempts abortions from the list of prosecutable offenses. The bill does not permit prosecution: (1) for conduct relating to an abortion for which the consent of the pregnant woman has been obtained or for which consent is implied by law in a medical emergency; (2) for conduct relating to any medical treatment of the pregnant woman or her unborn child; or (3) of any woman with respect to her unborn child. “UVVA recognizes that families have suffered two traumatic events when a pregnant woman is attacked and allowing separate prosecutions is what justice demands,” said Graham. “It is a strong bipartisan statement to criminals who choose to attack pregnant women and their unborn children – you do so at your own peril.” #####

Mar 30 2004

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced South Carolina will receive a $19,323,103 grant for the treatment of HIV/AIDS in the state. The funds, awarded under the Ryan White Title II Formula Grants Program, can be used to provide a variety of services, including:
  • Ambulatory health care;
  • Home-based health care;
  • Insurance coverage;
  • Medications;
  • Support services;
  • Outreach to HIV-positive individuals who know their HIV status;
  • Early intervention services; and
  • HIV Care Consortia, which assess needs and contracts for services.
The grant was awarded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. ####

Mar 29 2004

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED) will receive a $35,138,000 grant to help combat and respond to terrorism at the local and regional level. SLED can use the funds for costs related to homeland security preparedness activities associated with implementing the State Homeland Security Strategy. The Homeland Security Grant Program is designed to enhance the coordination of regional efforts to prevent, respond to, and recover from incidents of terrorism involving chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive weapons and cyber attacks. “Securing the homeland and protecting American citizens is our top priority,” said Graham, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. “State and local law enforcement is the first line of defense against acts of terrorism and these funds will help ensure that South Carolina has the resources necessary to implement our Homeland Security Strategy.” The grant was awarded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Domestic Preparedness. ####

Mar 29 2004

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced Black River Healthcare in Olanta will receive a $1,313,523 grant to assist in providing primary healthcare services to the surrounding area. Community Health Center grants are designed to promote the development and operation of community-based primary health care service systems in medically underserved areas. “Community health centers play an important role in providing healthcare services to South Carolinians,” said Graham, a member of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. The grant was awarded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. ####

Mar 29 2004

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced the Silver Spring Rural Water District in Orangeburg will receive a $93,000 grant for cost overruns on a water system improvement project. The project includes the construction of a 500 gallon-per-minute well to replace a contaminated well, and the construction of a 150,000-gallon elevated storage tank. In addition, the project calls for an emergency connection to the Town of Sally. Silver Springs Rural Water District has received previous funding for the project. In fiscal year 2003, they were awarded two grants totaling $1,109,900 and two loans totaling $778,800. “This is another investment in the future of Orangeburg County,” said Graham. “Upgrades to water system infrastructure encourage future economic investment and help provide existing customers with better water service.” The grant was awarded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. ####

Mar 25 2004

Graham’s Push for Unborn Protections Set to Become Law

Legislation Now Goes to President Bush

WASHINGTON – Nearly five years have passed since then-U.S. Representative Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) authored and introduced the Unborn Victims of Violence Act in the U.S. House of Representatives. Even though Graham twice pushed the legislation through the House in a bipartisan manner, it never came up for debate or a vote in the U.S. Senate. Until today, when as a U.S. Senator, Graham played a leading role along with Senator Mike DeWine (R-OH) in pushing the legislation through the Senate and on to the White House for President Bush’s signature. “It has been a long journey and we have now cleared the last hurdle,” said Graham, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. “After five years of hard work Congress is going to make it a crime at the federal level for a criminal to attack a pregnant woman and do harm to her unborn child. The legislation is on its way to President Bush and he will sign it into law.” “It’s a very good day for pregnant women and their unborn children,” said Graham. “It’s also a very bad day for the criminals who wish to do them harm.” The UVVA applies to more than 60 federal crimes of violence including crimes committed on federal property, crimes against federal personnel, and crimes committed on military bases. Some examples of federal crimes of violence include drug-related shootings, car jacking, violence at an international airport, and terrorist attacks. “I think regardless of pro-life or pro-choice feelings that most Americans want to protect the unborn from violent criminals,” said Graham.  “When a woman chooses to have her child, a criminal should not take it away from her.” “The Laci Peterson case is a clear example of a situation where two victims were involved,” said Graham. “Under California law, separate prosecutions are allowed for death or injury to the unborn child or mother. There is no such provision in federal law dealing with federal crimes of violence.” As an example, Graham noted a situation where a pregnant woman visiting the U.S. Capitol is assaulted and loses her unborn child.  Since the Capitol is under Federal jurisdiction and there is currently no law on the federal books, the assailant could only be held accountable for the crime against the mother. The assailant would face no charge or receive no punishment for the harm done to the unborn child. The UVVA specifically exempts abortions from the list of prosecutable offenses.  The bill does not permit prosecution: (1) for conduct relating to an abortion for which the consent of the pregnant woman has been obtained or for which consent is implied by law in a medical emergency; (2) for conduct relating to any medical treatment of the pregnant woman or her unborn child; or (3) of any woman with respect to her unborn child. The legislation passed the House of Representatives in February 2004 by a vote of 254-163. #####

Mar 22 2004

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made the following statement on the passing of former Governor John Carl West. “South Carolina has lost one of its most capable leaders. “Governor West will be remembered for many accomplishments but his greatest legacy was providing a soothing presence during difficult times. His effort to bring together all South Carolinians has paid great dividends and is something all of us in public service should try to emulate. It has and will continue to pay dividends for our state. “He was an enduring gentleman and will be greatly missed.” ####

Mar 16 2004

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism (PRT) will receive two grants for more than $480,000 to be used for parks in Camden and North Augusta. Camden PRT has been awarded a $231,458 grant to assist Kershaw County in acquiring approximately 45 acres of land for the development of an athletic complex. Federal funds will be matched by an equal amount of local funds. North Augusta PRT has been awarded a $250,000 grant to assist the City of North Augusta in the development of walking trials on approximately 33 acres of land along the Savannah River. The trail will connect the City’s greenway to Riverview Park. Federal funds will be matched by an equal amount of local funds. The grants were awarded by the U.S. Department of the Interior’s National Park Service. ####

Mar 11 2004

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced the Charleston County Aviation Authority will receive an $8,334,245 grant to be used at the Charleston International Airport.   The funds will be used for expanding the general aviation apron to accommodate larger numbers of general aviation aircraft. Funds will also be used for improvements and modifications to the terminal building including construction of rain covered walkways to public parking areas.   “This award will directly benefit Charleston’s ability to attract new business and continue to make the city one of the best tourist destinations in America” said Graham.  “It’s very good news for the Charleston area.”   The grant was awarded by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration.   ####