Jul 30 2007

WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced Richland County will receive a $1,939,882 grant for airport improvements at Columbia Owens Downtown Airport.

“South Carolina’s airports are a vital part of our state’s transportation infrastructure and play an integral role in our economy,” said Graham.  “These improvements will help recruit future investment and economic development.”

The funds will be used to rehabilitate a runway and to design an apron/taxiway rehabilitation project.

The grant was awarded by the U.S. Department of Transportation.


Jul 30 2007

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham today announced more than $950,000 in grants to fire departments and rescue squads in South Carolina.

“Firefighters and emergency service personnel dedicate themselves to protecting the health and safety of South Carolinians,” said Graham.  “These grants will help our local fire departments and rescue squads by providing them the means to obtain the best equipment and training available.”

Grants were awarded in the following program areas:

Operations and Safety Program: The funds may be used for training, wellness, and fitness programs; the purchase of firefighting equipment and personal protective equipment; and modifications to fire stations and facilities.

Vehicle Acquisition Program: The funds may be used for the purchase of firefighting vehicles including pumpers, brush trucks, tankers, rescue vehicles, ambulances, quints, aerials, foam units, and fireboats.

The grants awarded include:

Chesterfield County Rescue Squad Unit 2 will receive a $96,900 Vehicle Acquisition grant.

Hartsville Rescue Squad will receive an $81,000 Vehicle Acquisition grant.

Caromi Fire Department will receive a $95,000 Operations and Safety grant.

Pine Grove Volunteer Fire Department will receive a $533,760 Operations and Safety grant.

Newberry County Rescue Squad will receive a $98,071 Operations and Safety grant.

Powdersville Volunteer Fire Department will receive a $35,550 Operations and Safety grant.

Williamston Rescue Squad will receive a $15,825 Operations and Safety grant..

The Assistance to Firefighters grant program awards one-year grants directly to local fire departments, enhancing their ability to respond to fire and fire-related hazards in the community.  The program supports departments by providing them the tools and resources necessary to protect the health and safety of the public and their firefighting personnel. 

Grantees share in the cost of the funded project at a percentage based on the population of their respective jurisdiction.  Grantees that serve jurisdictions of 50,000 or fewer residents are required to provide a non-Federal cost-share of 10 percent while grantees that serve jurisdictions of over 50,000 provide a 30 percent cost-share.  The match must be in cash without the use of in-kind contributions.   In addition, the maximum amount of federal funds that an applicant can be awarded is $750,000 during any fiscal year.

The grants are made by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.


Jul 30 2007

WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced Rock Hill will receive $392,040 in federal funds to assess the feasibility of a downtown trolley circulator.

“This is great news for Rock Hill,” said Graham.  “The City should be commended for looking at new ways to address public transportation and downtown redevelopment.”

Graham secured the funds in the Fiscal Year 2006 Transportation-Treasury-HUD Appropriations Bill.

The funding was awarded by the U.S. Department of Transportation.


Jul 30 2007

WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced Barnwell County will receive a $462,812 grant for airport improvements at Barnwell Regional Airport.  Last week, Graham announced a $1.06 million grant for the airport.

“South Carolina’s airports are a vital part of our state’s transportation infrastructure and play an integral role in our economy,” said Graham.  “These improvements will help recruit future investment and economic development.”

The funds will be used to rehabilitate a runway and apron, and for a lighting and marking project.

The grant was awarded by the U.S. Department of Transportation.


Jul 26 2007

WASHINGTON– U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today said he was very pleased the Senate accepted his amendment to provide $3 billion for increased border security and interior enforcement measures. The vote was 89-1.

"In the age of terrorism, regaining operational control of our nation’s borders is a national security issue of the highest order," said Graham. "There is no doubt we need better border security at our southern border including more boots on the ground, more miles of fencing, better technology which acts as a force multiplier, additional detention beds, and unmanned aerial vehicles. My amendment provides funding for these important and much-needed changes in federal policy.

"I’m pleased with the overwhelming support for my amendment," said Graham. "It’s a confidence builder in showing the American people we are serious about border security. Regaining operational control of our nation’s borders is the gateway to further reforms of our broken immigration system."

The Graham amendment ensures and requires:

  • The U.S. government to establish and demonstrate operational control over 100 percent of the international land and maritime borders between the U.S. and Mexico.
  • Provides funding to construct the 700 miles of fencing as required under the Secure Fence Act.
  • Provides funding for hiring, training, and placing on duty 23,000 Customs and Border Patrol agents.
  • Permanently ends ‘Catch and Release’ by providing the resources necessary to detain up to 45,000 aliens per day.
  • Provides funding for 300 miles of vehicle barriers at the border.
  • Provides funding for 105 ground-based radar and camera towers.
  • Provides funding for the deployment of 4 unmanned aerial vehicles at the border.
  • Provides funding to handle the deportation of absconders and visa overstays.

"The term ‘operational control’ is a military term, and I look at this effort to secure our border as a military operation," said Graham. "We are serious about border security and this again shows the commitment to do whatever is necessary to regain control of our borders."

Graham noted many of the border security protection provisions accepted today were contained in the Senate immigration bill and the Graham-Kyl-Martinez amendment which was debated last month. He also noted there remain at least half a dozen, major changes in policy our nation must address to get the problems of illegal immigration under control.

"The comprehensive approach failed but the problems posed by illegal immigration have not gone away," said Graham. "We are now addressing the major changes one piece at a time. This is a strong first step in a long journey toward reforming our broken immigration system.

"We still need a more robust electronic employee verification system (EEVS), a merit-based immigration system, assimilation programs to ensure people understand English, a method to ensure everyone is paying taxes, a temporary guest worker program for people who want to come here, make money and return to their home country, and other changes," said Graham. "This is the beginning of a longer, more drawn out effort to reform our nation’s immigration practices."


Jul 25 2007

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today offered an amendment to the Department of Homeland Security funding legislation appropriating $3 billion for increased border security efforts. 


“There are at least half a dozen major changes in policy we have to make as a nation to get the problems of illegal immigration under control,” said Graham.  “The comprehensive approach, where we made all the necessary changes in one fell swoop, failed.  Just because it failed does not mean the problems posed by illegal immigration have gone away.


“We’re now moving to Plan B,” said Graham.  “That will require us to address the major changes that must be made a piece at a time.  Today, we’re addressing border security, visa overstays, sanctuary cities, and other important issues.  There’s no doubt that operational control of our southern border is a national security imperative.  We must regain control of our border and this much-need emergency funding will play an important role in making that happen.”


Graham noted Congressman Rahm Emanuel, a leading member of the Democratic House leadership, recently said comprehensive immigration reform will have to wait at least six years until the second term of a prospective Democratic presidency.


“Unlike Congressman Emanuel, I do not believe we can wait years to address our nation’s pressing and urgent immigration problems,” said Graham.  “My amendment contains many of the provisions that were in the Senate immigration bill and Graham-Kyl-Martinez.  These are the provisions of immigration reform where there is broad consensus.  They should be enacted.” 


The Graham Amendment is cosponsored by Senators Judd Gregg (R-New Hampshire), John Cornyn (R-TX), Jon Kyl (R-AZ), Jeff Sessions (R-AL), John McCain (R-AZ), Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Mel Martinez (R-FL), Arlen Specter (R-PA), and John Sununu (R-NH).


The major provisions include additional funding and policy changes affecting our nation’s border security and interior enforcement efforts:


Border Security:



  • The U.S. government must achieve full operational control over 100 percent of the U.S.-Mexico land border.


  • The hiring, training and deploying of 23,000 Border Patrol agents.


  • 4 unmanned aerial vehicles and 105 ground-based radar and camera towers.


  • 300 miles of permanent vehicle barriers and 700 miles of border fencing.


  • 45,000 detention beds to put a permanent end to ‘Catch and Release.’


Interior Enforcement:



  • Requires a total of 14,500 new Customs & Border Patrol (CBP) agents through Fiscal Year 2012 – a total of approximately 30,000 CBP agents overall – as well as increased hires of new Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents.


  • Addresses the issue of Sanctuary Cities by prohibiting cities from banning the obtaining of information on immigration status by their own law enforcement agencies.


  • Builds upon the King Amendment in the House of Representatives, which grants civil liability protection to those who report possible threats to our nation’s transportation system.


  • Provides additional funding for Operation Jump Start which maintains a National Guard presence along the Southern border.


  • Strengthens current law on criminal aliens to deny immigration benefits to aggravated felons, gang members, terrorists, sex offenders, and child abusers.  The bill also expands the Institutional Removal Program and gives the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) the ability to detain criminal aliens for an extended period of time before they can be removed.


  • Gives states and local law enforcement new authorities to detain illegal aliens and transfer them into DHS custody.  It also allows state and local law enforcement authorities to use homeland security grants for 287(g) training and provides funding to cover the costs of detaining and transporting criminal aliens.


  • Addresses Visa Overstays by requiring DHS to detain aliens who willfully overstay their period of authorized admission for more than 60 days.


  • Addresses illegal reentry by increasing criminal penalties and sets mandatory minimum prison sentences for aliens who have been removed and illegally re-enter our country.


  • Provides for Expedited Removal by restricting the impact of outdated court injunctions that currently prevent DHS from transferring certain illegal immigrants into expedited removal and returning them to their country of origin as soon as circumstances allow.


  • Addresses US-Visit and Entry Inspecting by clarifying DHS’s authority to collect biometric entry and exit data at U.S. ports of entry.  It also requires DHS to provide Congress a timeline for implementing US-VISIT at all land border ports of entry.


  • Requires DHS to enhance Basic Pilot Program to help facilitate broader us by employers as well as improve accuracy and efficiency.


“What we do today in my amendment is an important step, but certainly not the only step, to get a handle on illegal immigration,” said Graham.  “As a nation, we still need a more robust electronic employee verification system (EEVS), a merit-based immigration system, assimilation programs to ensure people understand English, a method to ensure everyone is paying taxes, a temporary guest worker program for people who want to come here, make money and return to their home country, and other changes.”


“We are serious about border security and this again shows the commitment to do whatever is necessary to regain control of our borders,” said Graham. “The sooner we get a handle on the problems associated with illegal immigration, the better off our nation will be. 


“This amendment is a step in the right direction and the beginning of what I expect will be a longer, more drawn out effort to reform our nation’s immigration practices,” concluded Graham.



Jul 23 2007

WASHINGTON- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced South Carolina will receive more than $11 million for homeland security initiatives throughout the state.

South Carolina will receive:

  • $6,130,000 from the State Homeland Security Program. These funds build capabilities at the state and local level through planning, equipment, training, and exercise activities.  Funds may also be used to support the implementation of state homeland security strategies and key elements of the national preparedness architecture.
  • $4,380,000 from the Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program. These funds support law enforcement and public safety activities to prevent terrorist attacks, such as establishing and enhancing fusion centers and collaborating with non-law enforcement partners.
  • $258,145 from the Metropolitan Medical Response System. These funds support planning and preparation activities for large-scale medical response for any catastrophic event.
  • $232,655 from the Citizen Corp Program. These funds are used to support activities that promote community involvement in emergency preparedness, planning, mitigation, response, and recovery.

The funds were awarded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.



Jul 23 2007

WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced $10.5 million in federal grants for airports in South Carolina.

“South Carolina’s airports are a vital part of our state’s transportation infrastructure and play an integral role in our economy,” said Graham.  “These improvements will help recruit future investment and economic development.”

Award recipients in South Carolina include:

South Carolina Department of Transportation will receive a $294,000 grant to conduct several statewide studies to address capital improvement plans, analysis of military airspace, and security.  The funds will be used for the installation of perimeter fencing at Anderson Regional Airport.

Barnwell County will receive a $1,062,863 grant to rehabilitate the taxiway and apron at Barnwell Regional Airport.

Berkeley County will receive a $374,590 grant to extend the taxiway at Berkeley County Airport.

Charleston County Aviation Authority will receive a $1,322,520 grant to improve the access road at Charleston AFB/International Airport.  These funds will be added to a previously awarded grant of $1,798,687.

Chester County will receive a $51,344 grant to design apron expansions at Chester Catawba Regional Airport.

Clarendon County will receive a $526,451 grant for the construction of a hangar, apron, and taxiway at Santee Cooper Regional Airport.

Walterboro will receive a $2,721,929 grant for construction of a taxiway at Lowcountry Regional Airport.

Dorchester County will receive a $126,250 grant to install perimeter fencing at the Summerville Airport.

Pee Dee Regional Airport Authority will receive a $288,325 grant to aid in the purchase of a new aircraft rescue and firefighting vehicle and baggage conveyor system at Florence Regional Airport.

Georgetown County will receive a $1,486,987 grant to extend a runway at Georgetown County Airport.

Greenwood County will receive a $258,409 grant to construct a hangar at Greenwood County Airport.

Horry County will receive a $40,000 grant to design a fuel farm and access road at the Conway-Horry County Airport.

Kershaw County will receive an $858,800 grant to construct a taxiway at Woodward Field.

Lee County will receive a $39,000 grant to design a taxiway and paved apron at Lee County-Butters Field.

Lexington County will receive a $385,146 grant to install runway lighting at the Lexington County Pelion Airport.

Marlboro County will receive a $96,425 grant for land acquisition at the Marlboro County Jetport-H.E. Avant Field.

The City of Orangeburg will receive a $110,000 grant to expand the apron at Orangeburg Municipal Airport.

Pickens County will receive a $238,000 grant to design a new terminal building and to conduct a runway end survey at the Pickens County Airport.

Saluda County will receive a $63,650 grant to install a runway vertical/visual guidance system at the Saluda County Airport.

The City of Sumter will receive a $150,000 grant to construct a taxiway at Sumter Airport.

Williamsburg County will receive a $61,233 grant to improve the runway safety area at Williamsburg Regional Airport.

All grants were awarded by the U.S. Department of Transportation.


Jul 18 2007

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made this statement on his opposition to the Levin-Reed amendment which mandates American troop withdrawals from Iraq beginning in 120 days.  All American troops would need to be out of Iraq by May 2008.  The amendment was defeated in the Senate by a vote of 52-47. 
After the amendment was defeated, the Democratic leadership of the Senate decided to pull the defense authorization bill from the floor.  The legislation contains provisions to increase pay and benefits, and make available better equipment for our troops.
Graham on the Defeat of the Levin-Reed Amendment:
“This approach would be a disaster for our national security interests both in Iraq and throughout the Middle East.  Al Qaeda is now on the run in Iraq.  They would welcome and rejoice over an American plan to withdraw from the fight.  Local Iraqi populations are beginning to reject Al Qaeda and align themselves with us.  We are now taking territory from Al Qaeda in Iraq and holding it with the assistance of the local population. 
“A congressional mandate to withdraw would be heart-breaking and in all honesty a death sentence, to the Iraqi’s who are aligning with us against Al Qaeda in Iraq.  Had the Levin-Reed resolution passed, this ill-advised approach would have offered tremendous encouragement and spirit to our Al Qaeda enemies in Iraq.  It would have been international news that the United States does not have the stomach for this fight.  I’m proud of the role I played in rejecting this amendment.
“I believe it is important to give General Petraeus time to implement his new strategy for Iraq and to hear what he has to say when he comes before Congress in September.  Other Republicans, including some who were looking for the exits, stiffened their resolve after hearing about the progress being made on the ground with to the new strategy.  The surge is having an effect, both in Iraq and Washington.”
Graham on the Democratic Leadership’s Decision to Pull the Bill from the Senate Floor:
“The common ground we had in the Senate on pay raises, better equipment and improved health care for our troops gave way to the politics of the next election.  The Democratic leadership’s decision to pull the bill is yet another example of their choosing politics over policy.  I’m embarrassed for the Senate because we failed to focus on the needs and welfare of our troops.
“While the troops continue to make us proud, the Congress continues to disappoint.”

Jul 16 2007

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham was a guest on NBC Meet the Press on Sunday, July 15. Here is the video of the show and Senator Graham’s thoughts on the current situation in Iraq and the political debate in the U.S. Senate.

The video is located on the Meet the Press website at http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3032608.