Mar 30 2012

Graham Applauds NRC Approval of New Nuclear Reactors

“The renaissance in American nuclear energy has begun." -- Senator Lindsey Graham

Senator Lindsey Graham, who has compiled a long record as one of the strongest supporters of nuclear energy in the Congress, said he was very pleased the Nuclear Regulatory Commission had approved the construction permits for two new nuclear reactors in South Carolina.

Mar 29 2012

Today, we reach the end of the long and winding road.  The first two tanks are now clean and in the process of being permanently closed.  It was a decision that was good for our environment and good for the taxpayer, saving billions.

Mar 29 2012

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) was joined by 25 of his Republican colleagues in sending a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) urging him to allow legislation reauthorizing the Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank to come to the Senate floor for consideration. Ex-Im Bank reauthorization has broad bipartisan support in the Senate and is critical in efforts to allow for the private sector to create and sustain American jobs.




Letter to Senate Majority Leader Reid on Export-Import Reauthorization

Mar 28 2012

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today welcomed the support of the Spartanburg Area Chamber of Commerce for reauthorization of the Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank.


“The Bank has proven to be self sustaining and provides a necessary level playing field in which U.S. Companies can compete in world trade,” said David Cordeau, President and CEO of the Spartanburg Area Chamber of Commerce.  “We need to do everything we can to insure that our workers have jobs that can be supported by their ability to compete fairly in world commerce.  Exports play an important part in the economy of South Carolina and particularly in the Upstate region.”


The Export-Import Bank was established in 1934 and since Ex-Im was last reauthorized in 2006, the bank has returned $3.4 billion to the U.S. Treasury above and beyond the costs of its operations.


“I truly appreciate David Cordeau and the Spartanburg Area Chamber of Commerce for their support of the reauthorization of the Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank,” said Graham, who has been leading Republican efforts in the Senate to reauthorize the bank as its charter expires May 31.


The South Carolina House of Representatives unanimously passed a resolution calling on Congress to reauthorize Ex-Im and encouraging the congressional delegation to vote in support. The South Carolina Senate overwhelmingly passed the resolution, 32-2.


Graham noted that both small and large businesses in South Carolina have benefitted from Ex-Im.  One of the most prominent statewide examples is The Boeing Company which opened the 787 Dreamliner production facility in North Charleston.  The facility employs more than 6,000 people in South Carolina and is responsible for thousands of associated jobs.


In a letter sent to Graham, Jim McNerney, President and CEO of Boeing, noted that eight out of every ten Boeing 787 Dreamliners now built in South Carolina are expected to be purchased by international customers who are eligible for and routinely seek export credit support from Ex-Im Bank.  Without Ex-Im, many of these customers would purchase from Airbus, which is made in Europe and backed by multiple European export credit agencies.


“The reauthorization of Ex-Im will directly benefit South Carolina’s job creation efforts and manufacturing industries,” said Graham.  “It is imperative we continue to grow our ability to export goods made in South Carolina around the world.”


“I wish we didn’t need an Ex-Im bank,” said Graham.  “But other countries have far more aggressive financing regimes in place.  The United States cannot and should not unilaterally disarm.  However, it is my goal to do more than reauthorize Ex-Im, we should also work to improve its operations.  I look forward to working with my Senate colleagues to achieve both goals of reauthorization and improvement of Ex-Im.”


“Last year, exports from South Carolina increased by 21 percent,” continued Graham.  “We need to continue on that path, creating jobs and putting South Carolinians back to work.  If Congress does not reauthorize Ex-Im, it will have a devastating impact to both our state and national economy.”



 South Carolina Economic Leaders Strongly Support Reauthorization of Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank


“Eight out of every ten Boeing 787 Dreamliners now built in South Carolina are expected to be purchased by international customers who are eligible for and regularly seek export credit support from Ex-Im. Without this support, many of our customers would choose to purchase airplanes from Airbus, made in Europe, built by European labor, sold with the aggressive backing of multiple European export credit agencies. ..Jobs in South Carolina are at risk without an extended and robust reauthorization for Ex-Im.”

W. James McNerney, Jr.

Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer

The Boeing Company




“Exports are particularly important to the South Carolina economy.  If our manufacturing base is to grow, we must continue to expand our ability to export goods from South Carolina facilities.  Given the key role the Bank plays in facilitating sales, failure to reauthorize it would be devastating to existing industry and to those we hope to create in the future.”

Lewis F. Gossett

President and CEO

South Carolina Manufacturers Alliance



“The Bank performs an important function for U.S. companies seeking markets for U.S. made products.  The Bank provides credit insurance and export-financing products that fill gaps in trade financing and does not compete with private sector lenders.”

W. David Hastings


Mount Vernon Mills




“First, this issue is of critical importance to Boeing South Carolina and their ability to successfully compete with global aircraft manufacturers. Second, the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce recently re-established the World Trade Center Charleston.  More than 80 percent of Ex-Im’s transactions support small businesses.  The World Trade Center Charleston’s goal is to help our region’s small business community to help them expand by selling their products and services on the global marketplace.  The Ex-Im is a vitally needed tool to help in expanding local businesses in our region.”

Bryan Derreberry

President and CEO

Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce



“Over the last five years, Ex-Im has assisted more than 47 South Carolina companies from around the state export their products and services throughout the world.  Ex-Im plays an important role in supporting South Carolina jobs and exports. …Support for the Ex-Im Bank means support for S.C. exports and S.C. jobs.”

F. Ben Haskew

President and CEO

Greenville Chamber of Commerce




“Last year alone, the Ex-Im supported more than $40 billion in U.S. exports that helped create or sustain 290,000 U.S. jobs at more than 3,600 companies.  The Ex-Im is also self-sustaining.  In the years since Ex-Im was last authorized in 2006, the bank has returned $3.4 billion to the U.S. Treasury above and beyond the cost of its operation.”

Otis Rawl

President and Chief Executive Officer

South Carolina Chamber of Commerce



“The deadline for Ex-Im is fast approaching.  If reauthorization is not granted before then, some corporations may begin to shift purchases to foreign companies as sufficient credit will not be available.  This will add a major, unintended (and unprecedented) barrier to domestic manufacturing.  ..Failure to reauthorize Ex-Im will create an unfair disadvantage for American companies, ultimately causing American jobs to move overseas.”

Brad Dean

President and CEO

Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce

Mar 27 2012

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today welcomed the support of the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce for reauthorization of the Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank.


“I encourage you to support the reauthorization of Ex-Im promptly and provide it with the adequate credit levels to meet the needs of U.S. exporters,” said Brad Dean, President and CEO of the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce in a letter to Graham. “Failure to reauthorize Ex-Im will create an unfair disadvantage for American companies, ultimately causing American jobs to move overseas.  We cannot afford to not reauthorize Ex-Im.”


The Export-Import Bank was established in 1934 and since Ex-Im was last reauthorized in 2006, the bank has returned $3.4 billion to the U.S. Treasury above and beyond the costs of its operations.


“I truly appreciate Brad Dean and the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce for their support of the reauthorization of the Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank,” said Graham, who has been leading Republican efforts in the Senate to reauthorize the bank as its charter expires May 31.


The South Carolina House of Representatives unanimously passed a resolution calling on Congress to reauthorize Ex-Im and encouraging the congressional delegation to vote in support. The South Carolina Senate overwhelmingly passed the resolution, 32-2.


Graham noted that both small and large businesses in South Carolina have benefitted from Ex-Im.  One of the most prominent statewide examples is The Boeing Company which opened the 787 Dreamliner production facility in North Charleston.  The facility employs more than 6,000 people in South Carolina and is responsible for thousands of associated jobs.


In a letter sent to Graham, Jim McNerney, President and CEO of Boeing, noted that eight out of every ten Boeing 787 Dreamliners now built in South Carolina are expected to be purchased by international customers who are eligible for and routinely seek export credit support from Ex-Im Bank.  Without Ex-Im, many of these customers would purchase from Airbus, which is made in Europe and backed by multiple European export credit agencies.


“The reauthorization of Ex-Im will directly benefit South Carolina’s job creation efforts and manufacturing industries,” said Graham.  “It is imperative we continue to grow our ability to export goods made in South Carolina around the world.”


“I wish we didn’t need an Ex-Im bank,” said Graham.  “But other countries have far more aggressive financing regimes in place.  The United States cannot and should not unilaterally disarm.  However, it is my goal to do more than reauthorize Ex-Im, we should also work to improve its operations.  I look forward to working with my Senate colleagues to achieve both goals of reauthorization and improvement of Ex-Im.”


“Last year, exports from South Carolina increased by 21 percent,” continued Graham.  “We need to continue on that path, creating jobs and putting South Carolinians back to work.  If Congress does not reauthorize Ex-Im, it will have a devastating impact to both our state and national economy.”




Click here to view the letter from the Myrtle Beach Chamber of Commerce.



South Carolina Economic Leaders Strongly Support Reauthorization of Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank


“Eight out of every ten Boeing 787 Dreamliners now built in South Carolina are expected to be purchased by international customers who are eligible for and regularly seek export credit support from Ex-Im. Without this support, many of our customers would choose to purchase airplanes from Airbus, made in Europe, built by European labor, sold with the aggressive backing of multiple European export credit agencies. ..Jobs in South Carolina are at risk without an extended and robust reauthorization for Ex-Im.”

W. James McNerney, Jr.

Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer

The Boeing Company



“Exports are particularly important to the South Carolina economy.  If our manufacturing base is to grow, we must continue to expand our ability to export goods from South Carolina facilities.  Given the key role the Bank plays in facilitating sales, failure to reauthorize it would be devastating to existing industry and to those we hope to create in the future.”

Lewis F. Gossett

President and CEO

South Carolina Manufacturers Alliance



“The Bank performs an important function for U.S. companies seeking markets for U.S. made products.  The Bank provides credit insurance and export-financing products that fill gaps in trade financing and does not compete with private sector lenders.”

W. David Hastings


Mount Vernon Mills



“First, this issue is of critical importance to Boeing South Carolina and their ability to successfully compete with global aircraft manufacturers. Second, the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce recently re-established the World Trade Center Charleston.  More than 80 percent of Ex-Im’s transactions support small businesses.  The World Trade Center Charleston’s goal is to help our region’s small business community to help them expand by selling their products and services on the global marketplace.  The Ex-Im is a vitally needed tool to help in expanding local businesses in our region.”

Bryan Derreberry

President and CEO

Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce



“Over the last five years, Ex-Im has assisted more than 47 South Carolina companies from around the state export their products and services throughout the world.  Ex-Im plays an important role in supporting South Carolina jobs and exports. …Support for the Ex-Im Bank means support for S.C. exports and S.C. jobs.”

F. Ben Haskew

President and CEO

Greenville Chamber of Commerce



“Last year alone, the Ex-Im supported more than $40 billion in U.S. exports that helped create or sustain 290,000 U.S. jobs at more than 3,600 companies.  The Ex-Im is also self-sustaining.  In the years since Ex-Im was last authorized in 2006, the bank has returned $3.4 billion to the U.S. Treasury above and beyond the cost of its operation.”

Otis Rawl

President and Chief Executive Officer

South Carolina Chamber of Commerce


Mar 22 2012

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made this statement on reports Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has waived new congressional restrictions on $1.3 billion in military aid to Egypt.


“I support Secretary Clinton’s decision to release previously appropriated funds to the Egyptian military.  The Egyptians must understand this is not a blank check and we will continue to insist their government show progress on democratic reforms and protection of religious minorities.


“While recent developments in Egypt are unnerving, to say the least, I do believe it is in our national security interests to provide assistance to the Egyptian military.  The United States military has a close working relationship with their Egyptian counterparts.  These relationships proved to be invaluable and have been a stabilizing influence during these troubling and uncertain times in Egypt.


“I know the decision to waive the conditions placed on funding by Secretary Clinton was difficult.  But I do believe it is in the best interests of our own national security.  I respect and support her decision.”



Mar 22 2012

I truly appreciate the memebers of the South Carolina State Senate, in an overwhelming, bipartisan vote, for passing the resolution encouraging Congress and the congressional delegation to support reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank.

Mar 20 2012

My vote today was not on the merits of Export-Import Bank reauthorization -- which I strongly support -- but against a broken process which did not allow Senators to offer any amendments.