Sep 10 2003

WASHINGTON- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced the City of Spartanburg will receive a $477,019 grant to combat domestic violence. The funds will be used to increase cooperation and coordination among the community and government agencies to address domestic violence, maintain a domestic violence court, work to decrease the domestic violence recidivism rate, and improve the response to domestic violence in the underserved population which include people with disabilities and the elderly. “Domestic violence is a devastating crime that not only brings physical harm, but also destroys families,” said Graham. “We must punish domestic violence offenders, and offer support to the victims.” This is continued funding for the program in Spartanburg, which has previously received $816,689 in grant money. The grant program is authorized by the Violence Against Women Act, and was awarded by the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women. ####

Sep 10 2003

WASHINGTON- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced South Carolina State University will receive a $198,483 grant to support the Masters of Business Administration Degree Program in Agribusiness. The program is designed for students who wish to pursue either professional management positions in agricultural business or further graduate studies at institutions leading to a Ph.D. in agribusiness or agricultural economics. Students are prepared for a wide range of professional employment opportunities in management, agricultural marketing, finance, sales, research, administration, public service, etc. “The importance of agribusiness will continue to increase as we prepare to feed the growing population of our country and the world in the future,” said Graham. “I am proud that South Carolina State is preparing future leaders in this field with this innovative program.” The grant was awarded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. ####

Sep 10 2003

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced he will redouble his efforts on a plan to improve the healthcare benefits of National Guard and Reserve personnel by allowing them to enroll in TRICARE, the military health program. Under current law, members of the Guard and Reserve and their families can only enroll in TRICARE when called to active duty. The Graham provision would allow Guardsmen and Reservist to enroll themselves and their family in TRICARE at any time, assuring continuity of health coverage and access to the family’s doctors when the service member is activated. The premium would be low, would reduce out of pocket expenses for the reservist, and would be an incentive for employers to hire Guardsmen and Reservists. “The country is demanding more from these brave men and women, so we should do more for them,” said Graham, a member of the Armed Services Committee in the Senate. “On my recent trip to Iraq and Afghanistan, I saw first hand the significant presence of the Guard and Reserves and the impact they have on operations in the War on Terror. All of our air crews in the theater were National Guard and 90 percent of the civil affairs staff are Reservists. The same holds true for the military police, whose role is not only to protect our troops, but also train Iraqi police forces.” “This provision allows every Guard and Reserve family to have continuous access to high-quality, affordable health care, a large step in improving recruiting and retention,” said Graham. A similar provision passed the Senate earlier this year as an amendment to the 2004 Defense Authorization by an overwhelming vote of 85-10. “Since 9-11 there has been a seven hundred percent increase in the use of Guard and Reserve personnel,” said Graham. “We have not changed the benefits for these essential military personnel. It’s time we reward them for their service and patriotism, and make service to their country more attractive and fair. “I appreciate the strong support of my Republican and Democratic colleagues in pushing this provision through,” said Graham. “I will continue to work with Senators from both sides of the aisle in what is truly a bipartisan effort.” Graham noted there is also a need to modernize the retirement system in the Guard and Reserves. He recommends reducing the eligible retirement age by one year for every two years a member serves after twenty years of honorable service. Under the Graham plan, if an individual serves for 22 years, they are eligible for retirement at 59. An individual entering military service at 18 and serving for 36 years could retire at 52. “Providing these two benefits together would show our appreciation and responsiveness to the changing needs of our Guardsmen and Reservists.” ####

Sep 10 2003

WASHINGTON- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced the Anderson Regional Airport will receive a $1.678 million grant to extend the runway. The funds will be used for land acquisition, obstruction removal, wetlands mitigation, utility relocation, and the first phase of site preparation. “This award will directly benefit Anderson County’s economy,” said Graham. “Airport infrastructure improvements encourage business investment and promote economic growth.” Previous Airport Improvement grants have provided funds for extension justification, environmental assessment and design. The grant was awarded by the U.S. Department of Transportation. ####

Sep 10 2003

WASHINGTON- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced the South Carolina Department of Social Services (DSS) will receive a $350,000 grant to support programs that assist victims of domestic violence. South Carolina DSS will implement the following activities under this grant:
  • Enhance the safety of women and children in the child welfare system by increasing protection through an interagency protocol and a county coordinating council;
  • Enhance access to services and resources for women and children in the child welfare system who have been exposed to domestic violence;
  • Provide cross-training on domestic violence and its effects, agency roles, use of the interagency protocol and creative solutions;
  • Provide direct services to children who witness domestic violence including support groups, education, counseling, and transition support services;
  • Contract with the 4-H Program to provide weekend camping retreats for child witnesses, and;
  • Develop response teams to identify and assess cases involving domestic violence and child maltreatment. “Domestic violence is a devastating crime that not only brings physical harm, but also destroys families,” said Graham, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Corrections and Victims’ Rights. “We must punish domestic violence offenders, and offer support to the victims.” DSS will be the lead agency for this project and will partner with The South Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Clemson University’s 4-H Program, Family Court, and the South Carolina Department of Mental Health. The grant was awarded by U.S. Department of Justice. ####

Sep 10 2003

WASHINGTON- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced Marlboro County will receive a $149,998 grant to improve the ability of the criminal justice system to deal with individuals suffering from mental disabilities or illnesses. The funds will be used to support a collaborative effort between the Marlboro County Probate Court and the South Carolina Department of Mental Health to identify, assess, and offer psychiatric treatment and follow-up to mentally ill individuals who find themselves in the criminal justice system as a result of their illness. “This is an important issue for South Carolina,” said Graham, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Corrections, and Victims’ Rights. “We must make every effort to provide the necessary treatment for these individuals in order to prevent them from becoming repeat offenders.” The grant was awarded by the U.S. Department of Justice. ####

Sep 09 2003

WASHINGTON- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) and a bipartisan group of Senators today unveiled legislation to end Chinese trade abuses and restrict illegal Chinese imports. Today, Graham introduced a resolution in the Senate calling on the Chinese to correct their currency undervaluation. Some economists estimate that the yuan is now undervalued by as much as 40 percent. The undervaluation of the yuan makes Chinese goods less expensive for foreigners, and it makes foreign products more expensive for Chinese consumers. The effective result is a significant subsidization of China's exports and a virtual tariff on foreign imports. Undervalued currency and the efforts of the Chinese government to intervene in the yuan’s value violate the rules of the World Trade Organization. “I have said for years the Chinese cheat on their trade agreements,” said Graham. “In South Carolina, we have seen the devastating impact illegal Chinese imports have on our domestic textile industry and the entire manufacturing sector.” Graham noted China’s access to the U.S. textile and apparel market more than doubled in 2002, growing by an astounding 117 percent and is up an additional 114 percent so far in 2003, according to recent numbers from the American Textile Manufacturers Institute. Since 1997, the U.S. textile industry has been forced to close more than 250 textile plants in the country. More than 200,000 U.S. textile workers have lost their jobs and five of this country’s largest textile mills including Pillowtex, Burlington Industries, CMI Industries, Galey & Lord, and Malden Mills have filed for bankruptcy. Graham has also taken a lead role in pushing the Schumer-Bunning-Graham bill through the Senate. This legislation would impose a 27.5% tariff on all Chinese imports if they do not put an end to their currency manipulation. In addition, it would allow the President to remove sanctions once he certifies that China has moved to a market-based currency. The tariffs would kick in after a grace period of 180 days to ensure that Treasury officials have adequate time to work with the Chinese to institute reforms. “My resolution and this bill will send a strong message from the Senate for corrective action against Chinese trade abuses,” said Graham. “Until China is reigned in and starts playing by the rules, our manufacturing industry will continue to bleed jobs because of unfair Chinese trade practices.” Graham and several other Senators also circulated a letter to Senate colleagues seeking support for action against China. The letter invited members to sign a letter to President Bush urging him to initiate the China special textile safeguard and take other actions to protect American textile companies from Chinese abuses. “I will continue to fight for South Carolina’s manufacturing jobs, and to end the devastating flow of illegally subsidized and illegally shipped Chinese goods into this country,” said Graham. ####

Sep 09 2003

WASHINGTON- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced North Charleston will receive $372,562 in federal aid to support Operation Ceasefire. The funds, part of a federal earmark previously announced by Graham, will be used to fund overtime expenses for Operation Ceasefire response teams. Operation Ceasefire is an initiative to decrease gun violence in North Charleston and surrounding communities through monitoring of technology designed to detect gun fire. “This is an excellent example of using modern technology to fight violent crime and protect South Carolinians,” said Graham. “Law enforcement officers risk their lives to protect others; they deserve the best equipment and technology available.” The funds were awarded by the U.S. Department of Justice. ####

Sep 09 2003

WASHINGTON- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made the following statement regarding the passing of Jim Phillips: “I can not adequately express the significance of Jim Philip’s life and the effect his passing has on the Clemson Family. Personally, he was a true friend and one of the most delightful people I have ever had the privilege of knowing. God gave him a tremendous gift which he shared with so many for all too brief a period of time. I join in the celebration of Jim’s life and the mourning of his passing with the entire Clemson family and all those who are fortunate enough to call Jim Phillips a friend. He was truly one of the best in the business and will be deeply missed.” ###

Sep 09 2003

WASHINGTON- U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) and Saxby Chambliss (R-Georgia) were joined in Washington, DC today by a delegation of lawmakers from both states to meet with Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham. The delegation demonstrated the support of both states for constructing a Modern Pit Facility at the Savannah River Site in Aiken, SC. In addition to Graham and Chambliss, the group consisted of South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, U.S. Rep. Gresham Barrett (R-South Carolina), U.S. Rep. Charlie Norwood (R-Georgia), South Carolina Speaker of the House David Wilkins, S.C. State Senator Hugh Leatherman, S.C. State Senator Tommy Moore and S.C. State Senator Greg Ryberg. Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue has also been a strong advocate on behalf of the project. “This is one of the most productive meetings I have attended since I have been in Congress,” said Graham. “South Carolina and Georgia presented a united front to secure the modern pit facility, stressing the ability of SRS to go to work immediately on the project if necessary. Governor Sanford’s presence, along with Governor Perdue’s (GA) support sends a clear message that the leadership in both states is behind the MPF. Senator Chambliss and I will do everything possible to push the selection of Savannah River Site, and there is bipartisan support coming from Senators Fritz Hollings and Zell Miller. Our message was simple and clear, the Savannah River Site is the most secure, competent, and cost effective location for building a Modern Pit Facility in support of our future defense needs.” “Senator Chambliss has been great to work with,” said Graham. “He has been an able teammate in establishing a bright future for the Savannah River Site and its employees.” “We impressed on Secretary Abraham that no other site under consideration has any experience with raw plutonium,” said Chambliss. “The Savannah River Site has a well trained work force, infrastructure, and the space to do the job and provide proper security. SRS has processed this type of material in a safe and secure manner for decades. Placing this facility at the Savannah River Site is good for national security, as well as for Georgia and South Carolina. I am pleased to work as team with my colleagues from Georgia and South Carolina to make this happen for the Augusta community. ” "Our meeting this afternoon with Secretary Abraham was extremely positive. Our message was crystal clear - MPF belongs at the Savannah River Site," said Barrett. "It just makes sense to have the Modern Pitt Facility at SRS; we have full community support, the best safety record around and on-site expertise that is unmatched anywhere else in the nation. I look forward to working with the other members of the South Carolina and Georgia delegations in the coming weeks and months to ensure our message continues to be heard loud and clear." “In the interest of national security and saving our hard-working taxpayers money, the Savannah River Site is the absolute best location for a Modern Pit Facility," said Norwood. “It was clear from today's meeting with Secretary Abraham - having a unified and strong voice from Georgia and South Carolina to carry that message only helps our effort to make that a reality.” Georgia Gov. Perdue has conveyed his strong support for the project to Secretary Abraham with a follow-up call slated in the coming days. “The Savannah River Site is a great location for the MPF. It has a full array of supporting infrastructure and systems already in place as well as an unparalleled safety record," Perdue said. "SRS has a keen interest in protecting the public and the environment. That is why the surrounding communities including Georgia's second largest metropolitan area are excited about the possibility of gaining this facility.” If a facility is constructed and SRS is selected, the Site would manufacture PITs, the hollow spheres of metallic plutonium that trigger hydrogen fusion in atomic bombs. The United States has lacked a PIT production facility since 1989, when it shut down the Rocky Flats plant in Colorado. SRS is one of five candidates for the facility, an estimated $4 billion economic development project that would employ roughly 800 workers during construction and roughly 1,500 workers once the facility becomes operational. ####