Pelosi Remarks at Hunters View Community Commemoration Ceremony

Apr 14, 2017
Press Release

Contact: Jorge Aguilar, 202-226-7616    

San Francisco  – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi joined San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee, Board of Supervisors President London Breed, Supervisor Malia Cohen and community leaders to honor the newly opened Hunters View Community Housing. Below is a transcript of the Leader’s remarks:
Opening Remarks
“Thank you so much for your generous words.  Theo [Miller], thank you for your great leadership.  Thank you Mr. Mayor [Ed Lee] for promises made, promises kept.  To Supervisor [Malia] Cohen, to Madam President [London] Breed, and to all of you. 
“To John Stewart who has been a hero to all of us in these public private partnerships in how we can honor the Gospel of Matthew.  When I was homeless, you provided shelter.  
“I just came from the Statements of the Cross.  There was more ceremony to follow, but I thought that come here with all of you was really – as we administer to the needs of God’s children is an act of worship as well, so thank you.  So thank you for leading us in prayer.  
“I learned only this week in the Gospel of Matthew when he talks about, 'When I was homeless, you provided shelter' was about what Christ said on Tuesday of Holy Week, just a few days ago.  On Tuesday of Holy Week – 'When I was hungry, when I was homeless' and the rest of that. 
“But this is a little bit different from all that because this is about self-determination of the tenants.  [Commissioner Lottie] Titus, I point her out as a representative of all of you, who made this happen.  
“We, in terms of public policy, have our roles to play but you have played a role to make this a model for country where people can come back.  One-hundred percent of the people who lived here can come back.
“So we used the tools at our disposal, whether it’s the tax code, low-income housing tax credit – which Mr. Stuart and his friends are very familiar with, whether it’s the appropriations process in terms of appropriating funds to come this way, whether it’s policy in terms of section 8.  We have those things at our disposal to fight for.  
“But really, what attracts the support is what affect it will have on individual people, and you have made this something very, very special, that people stay in the city.
“The Mayor has been a champion on all of this.  The beautiful diversity of San Francisco can be undermined by the high cost of housing in our city.  Not only that, but housing that is worthy of the people that will be housed there. 
“So, I saw Commissioner Titus’ beautiful home and how respectful she is of the needs of her family and what that means as an example to everyone else.  
“I will sing with praise when I go back to D.C., [about] this coming together of community development.  Mr. Mayor, all the rest, all the entities that had to come to together.  Theo [Miller] knows this all very well, thank you for your leadership in that regard!
“I’m honored to be here.  We broke ground, we celebrated the first openings and what I loved is, when we came the first day they said, 'here are these beautiful views.'  And we thought, 'Oh, they’ll probably save those for the market rate' but not at all. 
“They started with public housing, so you have a beautiful view and you are the beautiful view.
“So on this Holy Week, whether you’re observing Passover or Easter, let us recognize that it is the dignity of every person that is central to what we do.  And your respect for your own needs, your weighing in to say, 'this is how we want it to be,' is what makes this a very special, appropriate Holy Week celebration.  
“Thank you for allowing me to share a few thoughts on this subject.

“Happy Easter!  Happy Passover!  Whatever faith tradition you celebrate.  Thank you!”

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