Press Releases

September 26, 2018

House Passes Chairman Crowley’s Legislation to Honor 9/11 Responders Who Lost Their Lives to Related Illnesses

(Washington, D.C.) - Today, the House of Representatives passed legislation authored by House Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley (D-NY) to recognize the heroism of public safety officers who responded to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and subsequently died of 9/11-related health conditions. In 2004, Crowley, with the support of New York's congressional delegation, ushered passage of legislation to create the 9/11 Heroes Presidential Medal of Valor award for the brave men and … Continue Reading

September 14, 2018

Chairman Crowley Statement on Hispanic Heritage Month

House Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley (D-NY) issued the following statement in commemoration of Hispanic Heritage Month:"During Hispanic Heritage Month, we celebrate the cultures and traditions woven into the rich fabric of American society and recognize the contributions Latinos make to our country every day."But as we recognize this month's importance, we must also acknowledge and address the many challenges the Latino community faces today."One year after Hurricane Maria, the Trump … Continue Reading

September 13, 2018

Chairman Crowley Statement on Republican Tax Bill

(Washington, D.C.) - House Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley (D-Queens, the Bronx) issued the following statement on the tax legislation brought before the House Ways and Means Committee today: "House Republicans must be desperate for another check from their well-connected donors ahead of the November election. There is no other logical reason to introduce yet another hairbrained tax plan after their first version so deeply hurt working families. "But, I guess once you show your true … Continue Reading

September 05, 2018

Chairman Crowley Statement on One-Year Anniversary of President Trump’s Decision to Terminate DACA

(Washington, D.C.) - House Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley (D-Queens, the Bronx) issued the following statement on the one-year anniversary of President Donald Trump's decision to terminate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program: "One year after the Trump administration's heartless decision to reverse the DACA program, Congressional Republicans continue to do nothing - cowardly refusing to bring any relief or stability to nearly one million young men and women. Today, we … Continue Reading

September 05, 2018

Chairman Crowley Statement on Republican Attempts to Rip Health Care Away from Millions

(Washington, D.C.) - House Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley (D-Queens, the Bronx) issued the following statement on the beginning of oral arguments in Texas v. United States, the Republican-led lawsuit to take away protections from Americans with pre-existing conditions: "Republicans have no shame. After failing to pass legislation to weaken the Affordable Care Act, the party is now suing to strip coverage from the 133 million Americans who live with pre-existing conditions. This is a … Continue Reading

June 27, 2018

Chairman Crowley Statement on the Supreme Court Decision to Undermine Workers’ Rights and Protections

(Washington, D.C.) - House Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley (D-Queens, the Bronx) issued the following statement on the Supreme Court's decision in the case of Janus v. AFSCME Council 31: "Today's decision is an attack on American workers and the labor movement in our country. Unions are at the core of lifting up America's working and middle class families, by fighting for better wages and benefits and fair working conditions. Despite this unfortunate decision, Democrats will continue … Continue Reading

June 27, 2018

Chairman Crowley Statement on the Supreme Court Decision to Undermine Workers’ Rights and Protections

(Washington, D.C.) - House Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley (D-Queens, the Bronx) issued the following statement on the Supreme Court's decision in the case of Janus v. AFSCME Council 31: "Today's decision is an attack on American workers and the labor movement in our country. Unions are at the core of lifting up America's working and middle class families, by fighting for better wages and benefits and fair working conditions. Despite this unfortunate decision, Democrats will continue … Continue Reading

June 26, 2018

Chairman Crowley Statement on Supreme Court’s Decision on President Trump’s Muslim Ban

(Queens, NY) - House Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley (D-Queens, the Bronx) released the following statement after the Supreme Court announced its decision on Trump v. Hawaii: "This decision will be remembered as one where the Supreme Court of the United States legitimized discrimination and religious intolerance. This is a deeply shameful decision that strikes at the heart of the principles our nation was founded on and the values we hold dear as Americans. "Instituting a religious … Continue Reading

June 22, 2018

Chairman Crowley and Reps. Larson, Davis, Cummings, Beyer, and Moore Call on President Trump to Stop Closing Social Security Field Offices

(Washington, D.C.) - Today, House Democratic Caucus Chair Joe Crowley (D-Queens, the Bronx) and Reps. John Larson (D-CT), Danny Davis (D-IL), Elijah Cummings (D-MD), Donald Beyer (D-VA), and Gwen Moore (D-WI) called on President Trump to stop closing Social Security field offices across the country. In the last year alone, the Social Security Administration (SSA) shuttered offices in Virginia, Wisconsin, Maryland, and Illinois. As the Baby Boom generation ages and the number of Americans … Continue Reading

June 21, 2018

Chairman Crowley Statement on House Passage of Republican Farm Bill

(Washington, D.C.) - House Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley (D-Queens, the Bronx) issued the following statement after House Republicans passed their partisan Farm Bill: "Today, House Republicans chose to abandon rural communities and hungry Americans across the country. This partisan bill does nothing to help our country's struggling farmers and leaves families to fend for themselves by gutting the critical anti-hunger benefits they rely on. "Instead of continuing their attacks on … Continue Reading

June 20, 2018

Chairman Crowley Statement on President Trump’s Executive Order that Continues the Detainment of Families

(Washington, D.C.) - House Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley (D-Queens, the Bronx) released the following statement on President's Trump executive order that continues the detainment of families: "Our country has always been a beacon of light for those seeking safety and refuge. Instead of upholding these American values, President Trump has caged innocent babies and children. Tearing children out of the hands of their parents is immoral and inhumane, and should never have happened, let … Continue Reading

June 20, 2018

House Democrats, Immigration Advocates Demand the Trump Administration End Family Separation

(Washington, D.C.) - Today, House Democrats joined immigration advocates and children to demand that the Trump administration immediately end their inhumane policy of separate families separating families at the border. Moments before the press conference, House Democrats took over the House of Representatives floor to condemn this cruel policy. "The Trump administration's inhumane policy of separating children from their mothers and fathers is a blemish on our government and the values … Continue Reading

June 19, 2018

Chairman Crowley Statement in Commemoration of Juneteenth

(Queens, NY) - Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley (D-Queens, the Bronx) issued the following statement in recognition of Juneteenth: "Today, we commemorate Juneteenth, which marks the final emancipation of slaves in the United States, ending a dark and painful chapter in our nation's history. "Each Juneteenth, we pause to remember those who were forced to endure the horrors and indignities of slavery. We also recognize those who fought to tirelessly to end slavery and champion the rights … Continue Reading

June 19, 2018

Chairman Crowley Statement on House Republican Budget

(Washington, D.C.) - House Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley (D-Queens, the Bronx) released the following statement on the release of the House Republican budget: "Six months after President Trump and Republicans gave lavish tax breaks to special interests and the wealthiest one percent, House Republicans have now released a budget that will inflict even more damage on middle-class families. From gutting Medicaid and Medicare and repealing the Affordable Care Act to eliminating … Continue Reading

June 15, 2018

Chairman Crowley Statement on the 6th Anniversary of DACA

(Washington, D.C.) - House Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley (D-Queens, the Bronx) issued the following statement in recognition of the 6th anniversary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program: "DREAMers were brought to this country by their parents, looking for a better life. The DACA program allowed them to live in the only country they've ever known, the only country they've ever loved. They have started careers, families, and businesses, and contributed … Continue Reading

June 15, 2018

Chairman Crowley Statement on Eid al-Fitr

(Washington, D.C.) - House Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley (D-Queens, the Bronx) released the following statement in recognition of Eid al-Fitr: "I send my warmest greetings to all those celebrating Eid al-Fitr in Queens, the Bronx, and around the world. Eid is a joyous time to reflect on the meaning of the Holy Month of Ramadan, a time for spiritual renewal, gratitude, and generosity. "This is also a time for every American to reflect on the importance of embracing our diversity, … Continue Reading

June 14, 2018

Chairman Crowley Statement on Republican Immigration Bill

(Washington, DC) - House Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley (D-Queens, the Bronx) issued the following statement on the immigration draft from House Republicans: "The immigration draft House Republicans released this afternoon would put into law many of President Trump's most hateful and misguided policies. It is unacceptable to Democrats. "The American people are horrified and disgusted by President Trump's immigration agenda and his decision to tear babies from their mothers' arms. … Continue Reading

June 12, 2018

Chairman Crowley Statement on the North Korea Summit Agreement

(Washington, D.C.) - House Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley (D-Queens, the Bronx) issued the following statement after the conclusion of the summit between President Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un: "With the potential for peace on the Korean peninsula, diplomacy must remain at the forefront and a reliable and lasting and denuclearization agreement should be the ultimate goal. And while establishing a diplomatic framework for future negotiations is an important step forward, the Trump … Continue Reading

June 12, 2018

Chairman Crowley Statement on the Second Anniversary of the Pulse Nightclub Shooting

(Washington, D.C.) - House Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley (D-Queens, the Bronx) released the following statement on the second anniversary of the Pulse Nightclub Shooting: "Our heart still aches for the 49 lives that were taken two years ago when our nation and the LGBTQ+ community was victimized by yet another senseless act of gun violence and bigotry. "Today, as we remember this tragedy and honor the victims of the Pulse Nightclub Shooting in Orlando, Democrats stand together in … Continue Reading

June 11, 2018

Chairman Crowley Statement on Attorney General Sessions’ Decision to Restrict Use of Asylum by Victims of Domestic Violence, Gang Violence

(Washington, D.C.) - Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley (D-Queens, the Bronx) issued the following statement on Attorney General Jeff Sessions' decision to no longer grant asylum to victims fleeing domestic abuse and gang violence: "This decision will put vulnerable asylum-seekers, including women and children, who are fleeing severe and often life-threatening violence directly in harm's way. Slamming the door on innocent victims seeking safety goes against everything our country stands … Continue Reading

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