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Print Version-Rep. Mike Capuano's Statement on the Deadline to Reunite Separated Families


Rep. Capuano's Statement on the Deadline to Reunite Separated Families

July 26, 2018

Today is the deadline to reunite families torn apart at the border yet this crisis is far from over. Some parents have already been deported without their children and the Trump administration cannot assure us that they even know the whereabouts of every child. This is unconscionable and immoral. These children will suffer lifelong trauma because of a policy put in place deliberately. We’ve all seen the heartbreaking photos of children being held in cages. I met with a family last week who were finally reunited after two months. The three siblings were allowed to see each other for just 10 minutes a day and were prohibited from touching — no reassuring hugs or comforting embraces. Is this really how vulnerable children should be treated? The Trump administration’s actions over the past few months are a stain on our history. We can’t turn back time but we can do everything in our power to ensure that something like this never happens again in our country, a nation founded by immigrants. I know I’m not giving up — I hope you will stand with me.

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