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An update from the office of
U.S. Representative Michael E. Capuano
8th Congressional District of Massachusetts

Congressman Capuano's

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March 13, 2009

Omnibus Appropriations Act

This week, the Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009 became law. You may recall that last year, President Bush refused to work with Congress during the appropriations process, insisting that his approach to the budget be followed. Many of us in Congress were concerned about some of the cuts he was proposing, and angered by his complete refusal to compromise on any level. As a result, Congress passed a continuing resolution (CR) to fund the government until a new President took office.

The CR expired on March 6th, making it necessary for Congress to pass an omnibus appropriations bill that sets new funding levels for the remainder of the fiscal year. This legislation — the Omnibus Appropriations Act — contains the remaining 9 appropriations bills from FY 2009 and provides important increases for transit, high-speed rail, community health centers, education, and scientific research. I voted for the bill when it passed in the House on February 25th. It passed the Senate this week and was signed by the President.

Water Quality

On Thursday the House considered H.R. 1262: Federal Water Pollution Control Act Authorization amendments. This measure invests in improvements to water quality and has the potential to create approximately 480,000 employment opportunities over the next five years. H.R. 1262 includes provisions from four bills that passed in the House during the last Congress but never cleared the Senate. It authorizes $13.8 billion over five years for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, which provides communities with loans for wastewater improvement and water pollution projects. It also authorizes funding for pilot projects designed to increase the level of usable water and funding for sewer overflow control grants.

Many communities all across America are dealing with aging water infrastructure in need of replacement or repair and H.R. 1262 provides the framework to address these issues. I voted YES. H.R. 1262 passed in the House and the entire vote is recorded below:





















Presidential Election in El Salvador

The City of Cambridge has long fostered a Sister City with San Jose Las Flores, and I have the honor, also, to represent a large community of principled and hard-working Salvadoran immigrants.

Several of my constituents are traveling to El Salvador to serve as election monitors for the presidential election on March 15. I am proud of their concern for human rights and the rule of law. I have written to President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton expressing support for their efforts and stating my belief that the United States should exert its influence in support of free and fair elections, rather than seek to influence the outcome of elections. I was dismayed, in the past, by accounts of such attempts, by United States officials and even by Members of Congress.

I hope to hear that the 2009 election was found to be free and fair.

What's Up Next

Next week the House is expected to consider H.R. 1388: Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act.

Congressman Mike Capuano
8th District, Massachusetts
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
Committee on Financial Services
Committee on House Administration

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