
e-News 9/21/2018

Appropriations Progress including Action on a full-year Defense Funding Bill
Service Academy Nomination Application Deadline Coming
Salute: Secretary Pompeo


Appropriations Progress

Last week, as House Appropriations Chairman, I filed a two-bill Appropriations “minibus” funding bill, which has been approved by a joint House and Senate Conference Committee. This Conference Report includes the Department of Defense, and the Labor, Health and Human Services Appropriations bills for fiscal year 2019.

We owe it to the American people and to our men and women of our Armed Forces to provide the resources needed to protect our nation from both current and future threats, and to ensure that our military remains the strongest in the world. This legislation fully supports our warfighters and their families, and continues our efforts to rebuild our military. When this bill is signed into law, it will mark the first time in over 20 years that the Department of Defense will have its full yearly appropriation prior to the end of the fiscal year.

In addition, the legislation funds critical programs that will protect and save lives both now and in the future. This includes investments in vital National Institutes of Health research to cure diseases, job training, college preparation, special education programs, combatting opioid abuse, and protections against pandemics and bio-threats.

This package of bills also includes a short-term “Continuing Resolution (CR),” which will provide continued funding to keep the federal government operating until all yearly Appropriations funding bills can be signed into law. The CR extends current levels of funding for federal agencies until December 7, 2018.

This package represents the next step made by the House and Senate to return to “regular order” – which means completing all 12 funding bills through the normal legislative process and enacting them into law.

Worth a Read

Service Academy Nomination Application Deadline Coming

The deadline for submitting applications to my office for service academy nominations is October 15, 2018.  Interested high school students who wish to attend one of our nation’s military academies should speak to their guidance counselor.  For further information on the requirements and process to attend one of the academies, please visit here or contact my Morristown Office at 973-984-0711.

Salute: Secretary Pompeo

Secretary Pompeo understands that we need the most gifted and qualified people promoting our interests across the globe.  Read more on the work of our dedicated State Department and Secretary Pompeo’s efforts.