Feb 12 2013

It is critical that we have a full understanding of American actions taken before, during, and after the attack.  While we cannot change history, the lessons we learn can help prevent such a tragedy from happening again.

Feb 05 2013

Washington ­– U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC), John McCain (R-AZ) and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) today released the following statement on President Obama’s remarks on budget sequestration this afternoon:


“This past weekend, President Obama’s own Secretary of Defense said the budget cuts looming under sequestration will ‘weaken the United States’ and ‘make it much more difficult for us to respond to crises in the world.’ The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff agreed that ‘we will become less safe’ if these cuts go through.


“While the President last year promised that sequestration ‘will not happen,’ he has declined to address this looming crisis for more than a year. We appreciate that the President now wants to come to the negotiating table and we will examine his proposal closely.


“Every time we have a crisis in this country, President Obama’s solution is to raise taxes. With the economy still struggling and job growth very weak, the last thing America needs is a tax increase.


“In the coming days, we will be introducing legislation – as we did last year – to avoid the first year of defense budget cuts by reducing the size of the federal workforce through attrition as recommended by the Simpson-Bowles Commission. This common-sense approach avoids a damaging self-inflicted wound to America’s security, and we hope the President will join us in this effort.”



Feb 05 2013

Chuck Hagel is a good man, but these are dangerous times.  What kind of signal are we sending to the Iranians when our nominee for Secretary of Defense seems clueless about what our policy is?

Jan 28 2013

The bipartisan immigration principles represent a real breakthrough on substance and I hope they will be seen as a breakthrough in forming a political coalition to finally solve our immigration problems.

Jan 25 2013

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today released the following statement on President Obama’s decision to name Denis McDonough, a former national security advisor, as his White House Chief of Staff:


“President Obama’s decision to choose Denis McDonough was wise and I think he will serve the nation well.  Denis is a steady hand, smart guy, and is well respected on both sides of the aisle.  I have enjoyed working with him on national security matters and look forward to continuing that relationship.”



Jan 25 2013

Saxby Chambliss is one of the Senate's strongest voices on national security, and is incredibly respected both for his intellect and gentlemanly nature.  His decision not to seek reelection is a great loss for the United States Senate.

Jan 16 2013

The recent tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School is heartbreaking and beyond words.  However, the gun control plans brought forward by President Obama fail to address the real issues and I'm confident there will be bipartisan opposition to his proposal.

Jan 11 2013

WASHINGTON ­– U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC), John McCain (R-AZ) and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) today released the following statement on unanswered questions regarding last year’s Benghazi terrorist attack that President Obama’s national security nominees will need to address in the coming weeks:


“As the U.S. Senate considers President Obama’s key national security nominations in the coming weeks, here is a partial list of unanswered questions that still must be addressed regarding the Benghazi terrorist attack that killed four brave Americans on September 11, 2012: 
  • Was the President made aware of the classified cable that, according to published media reports, Ambassador Chris Stevens sent on August 15, 2012, stating that the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi could not survive a sustained assault from one or more of the threatening militia groups that were operating in eastern Libya?
  • Was the Secretary of State made aware of that cable and its contents?
  • Did the President's national security staff make him aware of the attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi that occurred in April and June of last year and the assassination attempt on the British Ambassador in Benghazi around the same time?
  • If so, what actions did the President and Secretary of State take?
  • When was the President first informed about the attack on September 11, 2012, and what actions did he take?
  • What were the President’s activities during the seven hours the attack went on?
  • What were the Secretary of State's activities during this time?
  • On the anniversary of the worst terrorist attack in American history, after multiple attacks this year on U.S. and Western interests in Libya, and with rising insecurity in countries across the Middle East, why were U.S. military units and assets in the region not ready, alert, and positioned to respond in a timely fashion to what should have been a foreseeable emergency?
  • Why were the testimonies of the U.S. personnel who were evacuated from Benghazi on September 12 – eyewitnesses who knew there never was a demonstration outside the Consulate – not shared in a timely way with, and immediately factored in to the judgments of, our intelligence community?
  • Does this failure reflect obstacles that still exist to the free sharing of information across executive branch agencies, which was a key concern of the 9/11 Commission?
  • Why has the Administration refused to provide the full text of emails regarding the deletion of references to Al-Qaeda and terrorism in the talking points on which Ambassador Rice relied several days after the attack?
  • Considering that the President now labels the Benghazi attack as an act of terrorism, why has he designated the search for those responsible as a criminal investigation led by the FBI?
  • Has the FBI-led criminal investigation in any way impeded the ability of other government agencies to investigate and assist in identifying those responsible for the attack?
  • Why did the Administration not do more to support and assist the new Libyan government that took power after the fall of Qaddafi as Al-Qaeda, affiliated groups, and local militias established sanctuaries in the ungoverned spaces of eastern Libya – a development that directly implicates U.S. national security interests, and which is the real explanation why four Americans lost their lives in Benghazi?”