Apr 14 2015

Graham Urges Passage of Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act

Contact: Kevin Bishop (864) 250-1417 or Lorcan Connick (202) 224-5972

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today urged the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations to pass legislation he co-authored, S. 615, the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act (Corker-Menendez-Graham).

President Obama has threatened to veto the Graham-backed legislation which would allow Congress to review and vote on any nuclear agreement with Iran.

Graham said:

“As one of the original authors, I strongly support this incredibly important legislation. Either with President Obama’s signature – or over his objections – this legislation should immediately be pushed into law.

“I have long warned about the dangers posed by the Iranian nuclear program and why any deal should dismantle the Iranians’ ability to ever produce a nuclear weapon. Based upon recent comments made in Tehran, it seems like the Ayatollah and President Obama are talking about two separate agreements.

“Let’s be clear – when it comes to Iranian nuclear ambitions, we cannot allow confusion to exist. We must ensure that every ‘i’ is dotted and every ‘t’ is crossed.

“The American people deserve to know what is in any nuclear deal with Iran. In addition, Congress should have a say in lifting the economic sanctions which Congress created. Every Member of Congress needs to listen, speak, and be accountable for what I believe will be one of the most significant foreign policy decisions our nation has faced in decades.

“Finally, I appreciate the work of my Senate colleagues, Senators Corker, Menendez, and Kaine, in pushing forward on this legislation. I believe there will be a strong bipartisan majority in the Senate supporting our bill.”
