Apr 21 2015

Graham Outlines Iran Nuclear Agreement Principles

Contact: Kevin Bishop (864) 250-1417 or Lorcan Connick (202) 224-5972

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) has released a list of eight foundational principles he believes should be mandatory for any acceptable nuclear agreement with Iran.

“I have long warned about the dangers posed by the Iranian nuclear program and why any deal should dismantle the Iranians' ability to ever produce a nuclear weapon,” said Graham. “Let's be clear - when it comes to Iranian nuclear ambitions, we cannot allow confusion to exist.”

Graham’s Foundational Principles for any Nuclear Agreement with Iran:

• Iran must not be allowed an enrichment capability greater than the practical needs to supply one Iranian commercial reactor.

• Closure of all hardened and formerly secret sites. Iran must come clean on all outstanding IAEA issues, particularly possible military dimension (PMD) issues.

• Intrusive anytime, anywhere inspections of all Iranian military and non-military facilities.

• Sanctions relief and access to funds currently in escrow must be phased in and fully conditioned on IAEA certification that Iran is in full compliance with the deal and has demonstrated sustained compliance with the deal over time.

• There must be a clear and explicit process for the snapback and re-imposition of sanctions if Iran violates the terms of the deal.

• No research and development on advanced centrifuges.

• Removal of all enriched uranium out of Iran.

• Certification by the President that before any restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program are lifted Iran has changed its aggressive behavior towards states in the region and no longer meets the qualifications to be designated a state sponsor of terrorism.
