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Congressman Ralph Abraham

Representing the 5th District of Louisiana

In The News

December 15, 2018 In The News


When the U.S. House of Representatives gavels in for the first time next month, Louisiana's Republican members of Congress will find themselves in a long-unfamiliar position: out of power.

December 15, 2018 In The News

At a town hall in Lafayette on Thursday, former Congressman Charles Boustany outlined just how much the tariffs put in place by the Trump administration are costing Louisiana.

Boustany is a spokesperson for Tariffs Hurt the Heartland, a nationwide, nonpartisan campaign. According to data the group released from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Census Bureau:

December 14, 2018 In The News

Veterinarian group salutes Yoho:

The American Veterinary Medical Foundation (AVMF) has three favorite members of the House of Representatives. That is because they are the three veterinarians serving in Congress.

December 13, 2018 In The News

Louisiana Republicans are digging in behind President Donald Trump’s demand for money to build a wall along the border with Mexico as part of any deal to avoid a partial government shutdown just before Christmas.

December 13, 2018 In The News

A poll on the 2019 governor's race released by GOP Congressman Ralph Abraham's campaign shows a competitive head-to-head race if Abraham faced Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards in a runoff, but it also shows most voters still don't know Abraham.

The poll was paid for by Abraham's campaign and conducted by Remington Research Group.

December 11, 2018 In The News

A Farm Bill is in conference committee with votes expected on a final version in Congress later this week. The bill houses the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program, or food stamps, along with farming policy for the next several years. Congressman Ralph Abraham says he’s disappointed the bill leaves out SNAP work requirements, but overall it’s a good bill.

December 11, 2018 In The News

Congress has reached a compromise deal on a new Farm Bill to set agriculture policy for five years, but it won't expand work requirements for food stamps, which had been a priority of U.S. Rep. Ralph Abraham of Louisiana and President Donald Trump.

December 11, 2018 In The News

Challenging an incumbent for reelection is not for the risk-averse. And as of this week, we can add Treasurer John Schroder to that category, along with Attorney General Jeff Landry.

December 10, 2018 In The News

Louisiana’s Republican leaders have wanted to oust Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards ever since his long-shot victory in 2015, but the candidate field shaping up years later doesn’t feature the prominent political figures once predicted.
