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Congressman Mike Quigley

Representing the 5th District of Illinois

Honoring Martin Luther King Jr. by Fighting Injustices That Still Exist

Jan 12, 2018

Dear Friend,

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a special opportunity to honor a community activist, philosopher, and humanitarian, who fought tirelessly for the American principles of equality and opportunity for all. His leadership in the Civil Rights movement and commitment to nonviolence cements his place as a hero for peace and justice worldwide.

Today, as we reflect upon the progress made by Dr. King, we must also recognize the injustice that remains a formidable force in the United States – in our schools, housing, employment, and beyond. I’ve always believed that it is our moral obligation to ensure justice for all by celebrating our nation’s diversity. We must reject political discourse that pits our differences against each other in a way that undermines our values and our strength. Whether it’s fighting for marriage equality, opposing senseless discrimination at the voting booth, or standing up for those who cannot defend themselves, it is vital that we promote what’s right and what’s fair. Our country is at its best when all voices are heard and represented equally, and we must always strive towards that goal.

So, whether on the job or off, let's use Monday, January 15 to recommit ourselves to service through acts of kindness. Across the nation, including right here in Chicago, there are hundreds of service opportunities to honor Dr. King’s vision for a better, more just world. I encourage you to visit today to find a service project near you.


Mike Quigley
