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Congressman Mike Quigley

Representing the 5th District of Illinois

Share Your Thoughts on Gun Violence Prevention

May 25, 2018

Dear Friend,

This week, I had the privilege of joining young leaders from Stoneman Douglas High School for a gun violence prevention forum where students shared their personal experiences and thoughts on various policy proposals. As always, it is an honor to meet passionate young people with an unyielding determination to make a difference that saves lives.

I firmly believe that condolences mean nothing if they are not followed up by substantive action, and I am working hard in Congress to advance common-sense legislative efforts that will do just that.

But I want to hear from you, just as I’ve heard from students from Parkland, Chicago, and other schools across the country. I invite you to please fill out my gun violence prevention survey so that I can get a better sense of where you stand on our nation’s gun violence epidemic—and more importantly, how we can best address it.  

Mike Quigley