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Congressman Mike Quigley

Representing the 5th District of Illinois

Share Your Thoughts on Legislative Priorities for 2019

Nov 9, 2018

Dear Friend,

This week, the American people made it very clear that they want a House of Representatives committed to American values and government accountability. A Democratic majority in the 116th Congress will restore checks and balances, reinstate oversight, and renew our promise of opportunity and equality for all.

I am honored to be re-elected to represent Illinois’ Fifth District and the great city of Chicago for another term, and in my work on both the Appropriations Committee and Intelligence Committee, I will continue my efforts to keep our state prosperous and our nation safe. I am thankful for the opportunity to serve you over the next two years, and I am optimistic that as we work together we can help steer our country back on track and in a positive direction.

Now, I want to hear from you. There’s a lot of work to be done, and I am eager to hear what issues matter most to you and your family. I value your feedback and look forward to learning more about your legislative priorities for 2019.

Click here to take the two-minute survey.


Mike Quigley