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Congressman Mike Quigley

Representing the 5th District of Illinois


Nov 17, 2017 E-Newsletters
Before Congress left town for the Thanksgiving holiday, House Republicans spent their last voting day passing a tax bill that provides a massive giveaway to the top 1 percent on the backs of middle-class families.
Nov 10, 2017 E-Newsletters
In advance of tomorrow’s holiday, I want to take this time to thank our heroic veterans for their courage and commitment, which have helped preserve the ideals of democracy, liberty, opportunity, and justice for all, upon which our great country was built.
Nov 3, 2017 E-Newsletters
If you or someone you know is in search of health insurance for the New Year, be sure to visit to review plans, explore your options, and get covered before the deadline.
Sep 4, 2017 E-Newsletters
Tomorrow marks the first day back in session since Congress adjourned at the end of July, and I wanted to give you a brief update on the work I’ve been doing during the August district work period.
Jun 30, 2017 E-Newsletters
In addition to fun times with family and friends, Independence Day is also an opportunity to reflect on our nation's history, our values, and our future.
Jun 2, 2017 E-Newsletters
I traveled to Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado to see the ways that climate change is already impacting our most precious natural spaces firsthand and learn more about the important relationship between climate, science and research.
May 26, 2017 E-Newsletters
From healthcare and critical infrastructure to services and resources for our most vulnerable, this budget relies on far-reaching and detrimental cuts that will have a long-lasting impact on every aspect of our society.
May 5, 2017 E-Newsletters
As we know, the majority of Americans want Congress to improve the Affordable Care Act, not destroy it. I continue to stand by my offer to work with Republicans on common-sense, bipartisan improvements to the ACA that will expand access to quality, affordable care for all.
Apr 21, 2017 E-Newsletters
The investigation into Russian interference in our elections continues to evolve every day, and our Committee is working diligently to determine how this occurred and what we must do to prevent it from ever happening again.
Mar 24, 2017 E-Newsletters
President Trump is now the only person in Washington still denying what the rest of us have known all along: Russia interfered in our democratic process and will do so again if given the chance.
