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Congressman Mike Quigley

Representing the 5th District of Illinois

Sandy Hook Anniversary & the Need to Act on Gun Violence

Dec 20, 2017

WASHINGTON – U.S. Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05) spoke on the House Floor to reflect on the five year anniversary of the Sandy Hook shooting and the need to act on gun violence.

Below is a video and transcript of the speech. 

Mister Speaker, last Thursday marked 5 years since 20 children were senselessly murdered in the Sandy Hook massacre.

And while we will never forget the young lives we lost that day, we must also remember that this tragic—life-altering and life-robbing—epidemic continues to impact thousands of other families across the country.

Two weeks ago, I had the honor of meeting the parents of Alexandria Burgos.

On October 9th, 2014, Alexandria was picking up her brother from a friend’s house when her life was cut short by a stray bullet shot through an apartment window.

Alexandria was just 18 years old. She worked with kids at the local YMCA and hoped to be a social worker after graduating college.

Like her parents, I’m telling her story to push the conversation forward. A conversation that includes thoughts and prayers but must also lead to action.

Alexandria’s story and the pain felt by her loved ones is something that far too many have had to endure in this country.

Mister Speaker, I sincerely hope as we look towards 2018 that we can do more than reflect on the lives we’ve lost to gun violence, and finally step up to find the courage to confront our gun violence epidemic head on.