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Washington, D.C. - The American bison is coming back into circulation, much to the liking of U.S. Senators Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., and Ben Nighthorse Campbell, R-Colo.

At a news conference today the United States Mint announced that it will begin minting the image of an American Bison on the back of nickels beginning in 2005.

"By restoring the bison image on the nickel we are helping to show that the bison is an enduring symbol of Native Americans, the Western heritage, and the will of the American people," said Enzi. "The amazing feat of restoring a species that dwindled to less than 1,000 in the 19th century is an achievement that needs to be commemorated. Their numbers stand at more than 500,000 strong today and can be found in all 50 states."

"By returning the image of the bison to the nickel the Mint is bringing national attention to conservation efforts. This nickel will serve as a symbol of our Western heritage and a celebration of the revival of the bison," said Campbell.

This year the U.S. Mint began circulating new nickel designs as part of their Westward Journey Nickel Series. This series was made possible due to the American 5-Cent Design Continuity Act of 2003 which added new coin designs to be minted over a course of three years. Unfortunately, the law was passed too late for the two new designs to be minted in time for 2003.

Senators Enzi and Campbell unveiled their Bison Nickel Restoration Act of 2004 at a news conference earlier this year. The bill calls for the extension of the American 5-Cent Design Continuity Act of 2003 for an additional year, to restore the bill to Congress' original intent. In addition, the bill would require one of the new images to be an American Bison.

Senators Enzi and Campbell applauded Secretary of Treasury Snow and Mint Director Fore for restoring the image of the bison, an enduring symbol of the American west.

For more information visit the U.S. Mint website at