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Washington, D.C. -U.S. Sen. Mike Enzi made the following comments regarding the third anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001, when America was attacked by terrorists.

“September 11 was this generation’s day of infamy, their rendezvous with destiny. We have faced many before this, and our response has always been the same. We have always come together as one, united in purpose, dedicated and determined to end the threat to our way of life wherever it exists. This will be no exception. Once again, the future of so many in the world depends on us. We will not let them down.

“The tragedy brought the spirit of community we enjoy in Wyoming to the people of the East. Terrorists thought Americans would fall apart. Instead we came together with increased faith and patriotism.

“This is the third anniversary of a day we will never forget. In the years since, we have accomplished much toward those goals that were set in response to the events of that day. Much remains to be done. We will not rest until our objectives have been met and the world is safe from the threat of terrorism. Then there will be no more September 11s.

“We remember those who died on this day three years ago, as well as those who have served and those who have died on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan in the years since. We will never forget them and the great sacrifices that were made to ensure our safety and security and the right of people all over the world to live free and in peace.”