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Congressman Tom Garrett

Representing the 5th District of Virginia

2nd Amendment

Tom has a consistent record of being an avid Second Amendment rights champion. He supports upholding “the right of the people to keep and bear arms,” as a prescribed in the Constitution and believes it is an invaluable pillar of our democracy.  

During his tenure in the Virginia Senate, he copatroned Constitutional carry bills along with legislation that allowed for reciprocity for legal gun owners across state lines during travel. These votes, alongside many others in the state legislature, led to his receipt of the highest marks from the Virginia Citizens Defense League and the National Rifle Association - and subsequent endorsements during his Congressional race.

In his first three months alone in the 115th Congress, he introduced legislation (H.R. 1537) to allow for citizens with legal gun ownership to carry in the District of Columbia. This came after several concerned constituents expressed their disappointment over wanting to visit the nation's Capitol with their family, but due to the high crime rate in D.C., did not want to visit unprotected.

Other cosponsored bills in Congress include H.R. 367 - to eliminate fees on firearm silencers; and H.R. 38 - which would allow qualified individuals to carry a concealed handgun into or possess a concealed handgun in another state that allows individuals to carry concealed firearms.

As the 115th Congress moves forward, Tom will continue defending one of our most basic fundamental and Constitutional rights to keep and bear arms.