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Oct 16, 2018 Newsletter

Dear Texans,

At the start of this Congress, small business optimism was low. Employers and workers needed relief from burdensome regulations in order to grow their business. Last year, we passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which slashed taxes for Main Street and allowed it to breathe again.

✓ 20 percent small business tax deduction

✓ Immediate business equipment expensing

✓ Small business optimism is reaching record highs

Sep 24, 2018 Newsletter
Last week, I was humbled to be with our nation's service members and veterans on Fort Hood for this year's National POW/MIA Day of Recognition
Sep 4, 2018 Newsletter

Dear Texans,

I hope all of you in our district enjoyed your Labor Day and were able to spend time with family and loved ones. Congress is back in Washington this week after spending the last few weeks in our respective districts and I want you all to know I enjoyed every moment of my time touring Central Texas. Our conversations were constructive and enlightening, and I cannot wait to put your words into action. Below is the recap of my previous week in Texas' 25th District:

Aug 27, 2018 Newsletter
Dear Texans, As my tour through our district continues, I have had the honor of meeting with so many of you during the past few weeks
Aug 21, 2018 Press Release

CLIFTON, TEXAS – Congressman Roger Williams (R-Austin) visited the Clifton Gearench facility to meet with their employees and take a tour. As a business owner his entire working life, Rep. Williams was able to discuss legislation and regulations, such as the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and the impact its having on Gearench’s business and workers. They also discussed improvements Rep. Williams hopes to see as Congress begins to debate Tax Reform 2.0.

Aug 21, 2018 Newsletter
Last week, I had the opportunity to meet with constituents and businesses in the 25th District, and I'm looking forward to bringing their ideas and concerns back to Washington.
Aug 16, 2018 Press Release

GLEN ROSE, TEXAS – Congressman Roger Williams (R-Austin) visited the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant (CPNPP) Thursday afternoon to meet with their leadership and employees. Rep. Williams also met with the U.S. NRC Resident Inspection Team to learn about their role in overseeing the safe and secure operations of CPNPP.

Aug 14, 2018 Newsletter
August is my favorite month of the year because it means I get to travel up and down Texas' 25th District and talk with constituents of all kinds.
Aug 10, 2018 In The News

MARBLE FALLS — U.S. Rep. Roger Williams stopped by the Pedernales Electric Cooperative’s new Marble Falls District Office on Aug. 9 as the congressman made the rounds in his District 25.

Williams quickly toured the office before addressing PEC board members and staff in a nearly 30-minute speech that touched on taxes, education, the military, the national debt, and his agenda priorities.

Jul 23, 2018 Newsletter
I had the pleasure of meeting with a group of 4-H students from Cleburne, Texas in our nation’s capital last week. These kids are the future leaders of this great nation and it’s important we talk with them about issues that matter and hear their concerns. I am honored to represent them in the 25th District of Texas and I enjoyed having them in Washington.