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Congressman Darren Soto

Representing the 9th District of Florida


Immigration advocates meet with Congressman Soto in Kissimmee.


The United States is a nation of immigrants and a nation of laws.  Our immigrants are working; our laws are not.  Darren is working to fix them. 

Many of our nation’s founders were immigrants, and each generation has benefitted from immigrants who contribute to our economy and society.  For instance, over 40 percent of Fortune 500 companies were founded by immigrants or their children, creating millions of jobs and untold prosperity.  We only hurt ourselves when we turn away budding job creators, doctors who are willing to work in rural and underserved communities, and others who are contributing to our country. Pushing people into the shadows, limits their contributions to our economy and tax base, makes it more difficult for them to report crimes, and creates uncertainty for their families.

“I believe the answer is comprehensive immigration reform and recognizing the contributions of the immigrants in our communities, and not trying to attack and deport people.” – Congressman Soto

Darren is fighting to empower immigrants to contribute to our community and earn the American Dream.  As a State Senator, he passed legislation to make college more affordable for DREAMers – young people brought to this country through no fault of their own – and to allow them to practice law in Florida. 

As a Member of Congress, Darren’s immigration priorities include:

  • Comprehensive immigration reform that would allow people to pay any taxes they owe, get right with the law, and when that’s done, get on the path to citizenship.  Even in a Washington environment that has become more polarized and dysfunctional over the last couple decades, there was bi-partisan consensus around the need for comprehensive immigration reform as recently as a few years ago.
  • Protecting DREAMers, including those who have come out of the shadows through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, and Deferred Action for Parents of Americans (DAPA) recipients.
  • Modernizing the guest worker and visa systems that are vital for our agriculture and tourism industries. 



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Selected bills on immigration co-sponsored by Congressman Soto:

H.R.532 - DREAMer Information Protection Act - Information provided by an applicant for deferred action under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program of the Department of Homeland Security may not be used for the purpose of immigration enforcement proceedings.

H.R.858 - DREAMers, Immigrants, and Refugees (DIRe) Legal Aid Act - Directs the Department of Justice to make grants to nonprofit legal services providers with immigration law expertise to provide immigration-related legal services and advice to an alien who is a permanent resident, DACA/Refugee status or eligible for, and is in the removal procedures.

H.R.912 - Protecting Immigrants From Legal Exploitation Act of 2017

H.Con.Res.25 - Expressing the sense of Congress on the admission of refugees and immigrants to the United States.- Expressing the sense of Congress on the admission of refugees and immigrants to the United States.

H.R.748 - Safeguarding Sanctuary Cities Act of 2017 - That if a state or local government has in place any policy that limits compliance with a detainer, federal financial assistance that the state or local government would otherwise receive may not be reduced or withheld by reason of such noncompliance.

H.R.722 - No Funds for Unconstitutional Executive Orders Act - This bill prohibits any federal agency funds, resources, or fees from being used to carry out any of the policy changes set forth in the executive order entitled "Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States," signed by President Donald J. Trump on January 27, 2017.

H.R.724 - SOLVE Act of 2017 - This bill states that: (1) beginning on January 27, 2017, Executive Order 13769, entitled "Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States," is null and void, shall have no force and effect, and may not be implemented or enforced; and (2) no federal funds may be used to implement or enforce any of the policy changes set forth in such order. Among the order's major provisions are restrictions on the entry of immigrants and nonimmigrants from seven countries and additional limitations on refugee admissions to the United States.

H.R.1006 - To clarify the rights of all persons who are held or detained at a port of entry or at any detention facility overseen by U.S. Customs and Border Protection or U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

H.Res.102 - Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding the appointment of an independent counsel to investigate actions by United States Customs and Border Protection in apparent violation of judicial orders.

More on Immigration

November 27, 2018 Press Release

Congressman Darren Soto, a Member of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, released the following statement after heightened unrest at the U.S.-Mexico border and threats by President Trump to permanently close southern ports of entry:

July 31, 2018 In The News

WASHINGTON — She thought the hard days were behind her. Her rough childhood in Mexico after her father died and her family fell apart. The terrifying trips with a coyote across the border — twice because she was captured and sent back the first time. The deployment of husband — a Marine turned National Guardsman — to the war in Iraq, leaving the young mother alone to care for their first child.

But nothing compares to the threat looming over her and her family now.

July 27, 2018 In The News

WASHINGTON -- One matter on President Donald Trump's agenda this week is reuniting families separated at the U.S./Mexico border.

  • About 1,400 children reunited with parents, but some reunions not complete
  • Thursday was deadline to reunite all remaining children
  • Government expected to update numbers Friday

The final deadline passed Thursday, but not every child is back with their parents. Hundreds of migrant children remain in limbo despite the court-ordered deadline.

July 26, 2018 In The News

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents notified Alejandra Juarez Tuesday that she will be deported back to Mexico nine days from now, despite ongoing efforts to allow her to stay.

July 26, 2018 Press Release

The U.S. Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, under President Donald Trump, denied a request for a stay of removal for Polk County-area mother and U.S. veteran spouse, Alejandra Juarez. U.S. Congressman Darren Soto introduced legislation in support of the Juarez family which has garnered national attention and support from immigration activists and the Central Florida community. Rep.

July 9, 2018 In The News

LAKELAND — Alejandra Juarez of Davenport says she can’t bring herself to prepare for a forced move to Mexico, even though she is scheduled to be deported Aug. 3.

Juarez, who illegally crossed the border from Mexico at age 18, hopes a bill filed recently by U.S. Rep. Darren Soto will provide the basis for at least a temporary delay in her deportation. Soto, D-Kissimmee, has taken up Juarez’s cause, arguing she should receive permanent resident status as the wife of a former military member.

June 25, 2018 In The News

Rep. Darren Soto (D-Fla.) on Monday demanded President Trump stop “tearing apart families” by way of his controversial “zero tolerance" immigration policy.

“It is inhumane and heartless for the Trump administration to continue separating children as young as infants from their parents during immigration proceedings. This goes against all core American and religious values,” Soto said in a statement he shared on Twitter.

June 25, 2018 In The News

From New York City to San Diego on Saturday, thousands of protesters demonstrated against the Trump administration's immigration policies.

The "Keep Families Together" rallies took place in California, Texas, and New York, as well as in other states, as droves of people focused the protest around the separation of families at the U.S.-Mexico border.

June 22, 2018 In The News

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- President Trump huddled with House Republicans on Capitol Hill as lawmakers continue to search for a way to end the administration’s policy of separating families who illegally cross the U.S. Mexico border.

With votes scheduled on two pieces of legislation this week in the House, does any have enough support to pass?

“It was a good meeting,” said Rep. Jeff Denham (R) California.

June 22, 2018 In The News

 Alajandra Juarez, 38, is the wife of a Marine veteran.

The couple lives in Davenport, Polk County and has two daughters, ages 8 and 16.

Twenty years ago, Juarez came to the United States illegally. She originally attempted to enter the country illegally in May 1998 and was caught.Juarez is facing deportation to Mexico on June 21.