
Dec 13, 2018

Oversight of Nonprofit Organizations: A Case Study on the Clinton Foundation

PURPOSE: To discuss the management of 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations and how the designation impacts the programs and activities a nonprofit is allowed to conduct. BACKGROUND: 501(c)(3) organizations are not permitted to be organized or operated for the benefit of any private individual and are only ...

Dec 13, 2018

Exploring Alternatives to Fetal Tissue Research

PURPOSE: To evaluate the ethical considerations of fetal tissue research and explore alternative research methods. To discuss the recent steps taken by the Administration to expand efforts in developing and implementing the use of alternatives. BACKGROUND: Since the 1920s, scientists have used cells from fetal tissue in their research. This year, the National Institutes of Health is estimated to provide ...

Dec 12, 2018

Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) Scorecard 7.0.

PURPOSE: To continue oversight of the federal agencies' implementation of the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA). BACKGROUND: In December 2014, Congress enacted FITARA to promote federal IT modernization and strengthen the federal IT workforce. The Committee worked alongside the Government Accountability Office to develop a scorecard to assess agencies' ...

Dec 11, 2018

ROUNDTABLE: U.S. Olympics: Promoting Success While Protecting Athletes

PURPOSE: To provide an opportunity for Members to lead an open and constructive dialogue with leaders in the Olympic and gymnastic community about ways to move forward while protecting our nation's athletes. BACKGROUND: In February 2018, the Committee opened an

Dec 11, 2018

Examining ‘Backdoor’ Spending by Federal Agencies

PURPOSE: To examine the extent to which federal agencies use backdoor spending to avoid the annual appropriations process. To explore how backdoor spending undermines Congress' authority and what Congress can do to reassert its authority over the power of the purse. BACKGROUND: Backdoor spending is federal agency spending not ...

Nov 29, 2018

Evaluating Federal Disaster Response and Recovery Efforts

PURPOSE: To examine the U.S. government's response to the 2017 hurricane season, including efforts to aid affected survivors and communities. To discuss lessons-learned and additional opportunities to improve federal natural disaster-related programs. BACKGROUND: In 2017, Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria struck Texas, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Florida, resulting in the ...

Nov 28, 2018

BOP Management of its Female Inmate Population, and Other Challenges

PURPOSE: To evaluate the Bureau of Prisons' (BOP) response to findings and recommendations from the Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of Inspector General (IG). To examine how BOP intends to hold its leaders accountable for wrongdoing, and uphold the ideals of professionalism, safety, and integrity within the federal prison system. BACKGROUND: On September 18, 2018, the DOJ IG released a report ...

Nov 15, 2018

Examining Misconduct and Retaliation at the U.S. Forest Service

PURPOSE: To examine the U.S. Forest Service's response to allegations of misconduct, sexual harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. BACKGROUND: On December 1, 2016, the Committee held a hearing to examine reported misconduct, harassment, and gender discrimination at the U.S. ...

Sep 27, 2018

The Benefits of a Deregulatory Agenda: Examples from Pioneering Governments

PURPOSE: To examine experiences of state and international governments engaged in regulatory reform and to discuss best practices that may be beneficial if implemented in the U.S. BACKGROUND: Beginning in October 2017, the Committee held a series of three hearings on the implementation of two executive ...

Sep 27, 2018

Restoring Balance to Environmental Litigation

PURPOSE: To examine special-interest environmental litigation against federal agencies and identify reforms to curb excessive litigation and the abuse of fee shifting statutes such as the Equal Access to Justice Act. BACKGROUND: The Subcommittee on the Interior, Energy, and Environment has previously heard from a variety of witnesses about ...

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