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Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., said the President's new five-year strategy on how to combat HIV/AIDS could help turn the tide in this global battle.

The President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, released today by Secretary of State Colin Powell, Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson, and Ambassador Randall Tobias, the President's Global AIDS Coordinator, outlines the United States' work in implementing integrated prevention, treatment and care programs through bilateral efforts as well as the role that will be played by multilateral partners such as the Global Fund.

Enzi, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist's Global HIV/AIDS working group, helped lead debate in the Senate on the landmark legislation that provides $15 billion over five years to fund the plan.

"We've been going about this issue one way for a long time in Africa and the Caribbean, but we haven't made as much headway as we would like. It's time to bring fresh ideas and focus to this crisis so that we can treat and heal the sick, prevent the orphaning of millions of children, and eliminate this scourge that is destroying families and societies in Africa, the Caribbean and across the globe," said Enzi. "Today, more than ever, creating security for the people of one region also means creating security for people around the globe. Fighting AIDS in Africa will increase global security. The President's plan is comprehensive and well laid out and I believe it will go a long way toward making a difference in this international battle."

Enzi visited Africa in August 2003 to meet with officials and discuss ways to combat HIV/AIDS on the continent. Enzi met with government and public health officials, doctors, patients and their families, and visited numerous HIV/AIDS clinics and testing and treatment facilities on his travels.

For the full text of the plan please visit (
