Congressman Jeb Hensarling

Representing the 5th District of Texas

Constitutional Issues

Second Amendment Rights:

I oppose gun control and want to ensure that our nation’s current gun laws are enforced so that firearms are kept out of the hands of criminals. Gun control policies fail to recognize that criminals, not guns, are the root cause of crime and violence in America.  Criminals, by definition, violate laws.  Gun control restrictions punish honest, law-abiding citizens who want to protect themselves and their families.  I assure you that I will work to support the rights of gun owners who use firearms responsibly, while working to punish those who break the law.  Whether one uses a firearm for hunting, sport shooting, personal protection, or another lawful reason, the Second Amendment clearly protects our individual right to keep and bear arms.  As a gun owner, a hunter, and an advocate of our Constitutional rights, I will be vigilant in monitoring the process of bills that may be harmful to the rights of law-abiding gun owners.

Sanctity of Life:

I have been working since I came to Congress to protect the rights of all Americans – including the rights of the unborn.  Human life is a precious commodity that in today’s society is often taken for granted.  I believe in my heart and mind that life begins at conception, and as a Member of Congress, I am working to make abortion rarer in America.

I believe that all unborn children have a right to life. In addition to changing our nation’s laws to make them more family-friendly and ensuring the dignity of human life, we must work to change hearts and minds as well.  You may be assured that I will continue to promote pro-life legislation to affirm the fundamental right to life.