Congressman Scott Peters

Representing the 52nd District of California

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Civil Rights

Opportunity for All


Expanding Opportunity and Driving Economic Growth

Energy & Environment

Curbing Climate Change & Promoting Energy Security as National Security

Government Reform

Increasing government accountability and transparency.

Growing Our Innovation Economy

Keeping San Diego at the forefront of innovation & discovery.

Health Care

Making health care more affordable and accessible.

Housing and Homelessness

Fighting for San Diego's Fair Share

Jobs & Economy

Good jobs and a strong economy are very important to our district and to my work in Congress. Learn more about my views on this issue.

National Security & Defense

Supporting San Diego's strategic role in the national defense.

President’s Administration

Guided by the principles of: Loyalty to Country, Truth & Rule of Law, Opportunity, Strength Abroad, Respect & Kindness


Strengthening and protecting Medicare & Social Security


Getting Veterans the care and benefits they earned through their service.

San Diego Issues

Working for San Diegans at home and in D.C.