• Agriculture

    Florida growers and ranchers not only feed our families, but are also a critical part of our local and national economy. The role growers play in our community and daily lives is invaluable, and I have made the priorities of the South Dade agricultur...

  • Criminal Justice Reform

    I support focusing on rehabilitation, rather than overly punitive measures that have proven ineffective for decades. We need to reform our criminal justice system by strengthening community-based intervention programs to reduce recidivism and support...

  • Cuba

    My parents are among the hundreds of thousands of Cuban exiles who have made South Florida – and other communities like it across the United States – home. Regarding Cuba, the previous Administration overwhelmingly ignored the realities and ruthless,...

  • Defense

    A strong military that can protect the interests of our nation at home and abroad relies heavily on our unparalleled strength and innovation. The United States military has always been and should remain a force of good in an increasingly dangerous wo...

  • Education

    Prior to being elected to Congress, I had the honor of serving on the Miami-Dade County School Board. This experience of addressing the needs of the fourth largest public school system in the country has provided me unique insights into the challenge...

  • Energy & Environment

    Florida’s 26th Congressional District is home to some of our country’s greatest natural treasures, including the Everglades and Biscayne National Parks and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Enjoying nature and the outdoors is at the center ...

  • Foreign Relations

    Every day the world becomes more and more unstable. The Middle East is in chaos with Iran using billions in sanctions relief and direct transfer payments from the previous Administration to continue threatening Israel and other American allies. While...

  • Health Care

    Like everyone in our country, I want a quality health care system at an affordable cost. Unfortunately, the Affordable Care Act hasn’t fulfilled its promise to achieve this. Instead, it has increased the cost of health care for millions of Americans ...

  • Immigration

    As the son of Cuban exiles, the continued I am proud of our nation’s rich ethnic diversity. I know, from first-hand experience, the great and generous spirit of the American people and the opportunities our nation provides to all who are willing and ...

  • Small Business, Economic Growth, Taxes

    We live in a new, fast-paced economy that for a long time left too many people behind: young people were unable to find substantive employment after college, millions of Americans were forced to work part-time despite needing full-time work to sustai...

  • Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid

    We must keep the promise of Social Security to current beneficiaries and those nearing retirement while reforming the program so it can effectively serve younger generations of Americans. Beginning in 2021, program costs are projected to exceed incom...

  • Trade

    Trade is an essential part of our local and national economy. Right here in South Florida, retailers, fishermen, manufacturers, and growers across our community all depend on trade to grow their small businesses and support thousands of South Florida...

  • Transportation

    South Florida’s Highway Transportation Priorities Traffic and congestion has plagued South Florida for years, but as the cost of housing continues to rise, workers and families often have to move to more affordable areas even further from their jobs ...

  • Veterans

    Our nation owes its military veterans a debt of gratitude for their service and sacrifices. Each took an oath, lived by a code, and stood ready to offer themselves in defense of their country. The lives we live today, and the freedoms we enjoy, have ...

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