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A strong military that can protect the interests of our nation at home and abroad relies heavily on our unparalleled strength and innovation. The United States military has always been and should remain a force of good in an increasingly dangerous world. Our men and women in uniform must continue to have the best tools at their disposal as they fight and train to defend our freedoms. In Congress, I’ve secured the largest troop pay raise in nearly a decade and worked to streamline our military programs and equipment purchasing and development, while also ensuring those who’ve left active duty continue to have access to quality healthcare and services once they’ve returned from the battlefield.


In addition, I have made it a priority to advocate on behalf of undocumented individuals who want to serve our country in the military. If an individual possesses critical language, medical, or technical skills needed by our military to accomplish their mission, they should not be disqualified from serving. We should honor all who are willing to risk their lives to defend our safety and freedoms. I am proud that I successfully led the charge to defeat an amendment that would have eliminated these opportunities for young men and women in the DACA program.

 For more information concerning work and views related to national defense, please contact our office


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