
Oct 28, 2016

Letter to US department of state john f. kerry regarding bryan pagliano’s connection to sec. clinton’s email server

Oct 27, 2016

Letter to FBI Deputy Director McCabe Regarding Alleged Conflict of Interest

Oct 27, 2016

letter to consumer financial protection bureau director the honorable richard cordray regarding the assessment of fines and penalties by the executive branch

Oct 26, 2016

Letter to WMATA General Manager Paul Wiedefeld Regarding Service Reductions

Oct 25, 2016

letter to u.s. department of defense secretary of defense the honorable ashton b. carter regarding e-mails between former sec. of state hillary clinton and general david patraeus

Oct 25, 2016

letter to national guard bureau general joseph l. lengyel regarding California National Guard soldier bonus repayments

Oct 24, 2016

Letter to DOJ Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and Bureau of Prisons Acting Director Thomas Kane regarding Prisons Follow-up due 11-7

Oct 21, 2016

Letter to SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet regarding duplicative payments

Oct 20, 2016

Letter to GSA Administrator Denise Roth regarding the sale of government vehicles

Oct 20, 2016

letter to general services administration administrator the honorable denise turner roth regarding federal vehicles

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