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Congressman Darren Soto

Representing the 9th District of Florida

Bills Passed

Billfish and Shark Conservation Bill – clarifies that the exemption for Marlin and Billfish fishing in Hawaii (as tradition) can only be sold locally and not exported to the other 49 states. Further, the bill ensures protection against shark finning, specifically allowing rulemaking to go forward for the Atlantic smooth dogfish (a type of shark). Passed House by voice vote on 6/25/18 and signed into law on 8/2/2018 as Public Law No: 115-228. 

Foreign Oil Spill Bill – makes foreign facilities that are located offshore and outside the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) liable for removal costs and damages that result from oil spills that reach or threaten to reach U.S. navigable waters, adjoining shorelines, or the EEZ. Co-introduced with Rep. Curbelo, and was included as an amendment to the 2018 NDAA. Passed the House on 7/14/17. Signed into law on 12/12/17 as Section 3508 of Public Law No: 115-91.

Hurricane Hunter Aircraft Bill – Directs the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to maintain secondary backup capability for each class of hurricane reconnaissance, research, surveillance, and response aircraft sufficient to prevent a single point of failure. Included in Weather Research and Forecasting Innovation Act that passed the House on 4/4/17. Signed into law on 4/18/17 as Section 413 of Public Law No: 115-25.

Kissimmee Post Office – Renamed the Post Office building at 1415 West Oak Street in Kissimmee, Florida, as the “Borinqueneers Post Office Building”. Passed the House on 12/14/17 and signed into law on 3/23/18 as Public Law No: 115-154.

Kissimmee River Bill – Amends the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to designate the Kissimmee River for potential addition to the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. Passed the House on 4/16/18.