District 24 Telephone Survey

Congressman Marchant recently conducted a telephone survey among District 24 constituents to seek input on health care reform. As promised, the results of the survey are listed below.

If you participated in the survey, thank you for your time and consideration.  If you did not participate in the survey or did not hear the issues that concerned you most, please take a moment to express your views with Congressman Marchant at
Again, thank you for your time and input.  


(1) What is the most important issue you think Congress should address?
1. The economy and jobs (62.91%)
2. Health care (37.09%)

(2) How concerned are you with the need for health care reform?
1. Very concerned (47.47%)
2. Moderately concerned (30.75%)
3. Not concerned at all (21.77%)

(3) Do you favor a government-run health care system?
1. Yes (24.73%)
2. No (75.27%)

(4) Is health care reform important enough that we should further add to our current deficit and national debt?
1. Yes (27.61%)
2. No (72.39%)

(5) Are you willing to pay more in taxes to supplement government run health care?
1. Yes (21.26%)
2. No (78.74%)

(6) What issue is the most important to you when it comes to health care reform?
1. Access to the doctor of your choice (10.82%)
2. Medical liability reform (3.16%)
3. Strengthen and expand Medicare program (7.7%)
4. Lower healthcare costs (23.06%)
5. Portable, patient centered coverage (55.26%)
