
I’m proud to cast my vote in support of the FIRST STEP Act with my fellow Problem Solvers Caucus members today. As a former FBI agent, I understand criminal justice reform is critically important to reducing crime and recidivism.

Today’s bipartisan measure demonstrates our investment and confidence in our fellow Americans. While there is still more work to accomplish, today’s vote marks a generational shift towards a criminal justice system that establishes a more practical, efficient rehabilitative framework to keep communities safe.

I appreciate the tireless work of bipartisan advocates, my colleagues, and members of the Administration who made today’s positive outcome a reality.
The House passed the bill by a vote of 358 to 36. The Senate passed it by an 87 to 12 margin.

Great time talking with students at Tamanend Middle School in Warrington. They invited me to participate in StudentCam, C-SPAN's annual national video documentary competition that encourages students to think critically about issues that affect our communities and our nation. Our students had such insightful questions into government and policy. Very proud of them!

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