Congressman Sanford Bishop

Representing the 2nd District of Georgia

Committees and Caucuses


The committee is where the bulk of the work is done in Congress once a piece of legislation is introduced and entered into the Congressional Record. Congressman Bishop serves on the House Committee on Appropriations.

The House Committee on Appropriations consists of 12 subcommittees, each of which is responsible for appropriations measures that provide funding for numerous activities such as national defense, education, and homeland security, as well as general government operations. Congress has developed certain rules and practices for the consideration of appropriations measures, referred to as the congressional appropriations process. For more information about the Appropriations process, please visit my Appropriations page.

Congressman Bishop serves on three Subcommittees of the Appropriations Committee. Click on the links below for more information on Congressman Bishop’s subcommittees:

Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies
Ranking Member
Jurisdiction: Department of Agriculture (Except Forest Service), Farm Credit Administration, Farm Credit System Financial Assistance Corporation, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Food and Drug Administration (HHS)

Subcommittee on Financial Services
Jurisdiction: Department of the Treasury (except Debt Restructuring, International Affairs Technical Assistance, and International Financial Institutions); District of Columbia; The Judiciary; Executive Office of the President (except Office of Science and Technology Policy, Office of the United States Trade Representative, and Council on Environmental Quality and Office of Environmental Quality); Independent Agencies: Administrative Conference of the United States, Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation, Consumer Product Safety Commission, Election Assistance Commission, Federal Communications Commission, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Office of the Inspector General, Federal Election Commission, Federal Labor Relations Authority, Federal Trade Commission, General Services Administration, Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation, Merit Systems Protection Board, Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation, National Archives and Records Administration, National Credit Union Administration, Office of Government Ethics, Office of Personnel Management and Related Trust Funds, Office of Special Counsel, Postal Regulatory Commission, Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, Recovery and Accountability Transparency Board, Securities and Exchange Commission, Selective Service System, Small Business Administration, United States Postal Service, Payment to the Postal Service Fund, United States Tax Court; General Provisions, Government-wide

Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies
Jurisdiction: Department of Defense (Military Construction, Military Family Housing Construction, Family Housing Improvement Fund, Military Unaccompanied Housing Improvement Fund, Homeowners Assistance Fund, BRAC, NATO Security Investment Program), Department of Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies (American Battle Monuments Commission, Armed Forces Retirement Home, Department of Defense, Civil, Cemeterial Expenses, Army U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims)


In addition to his committee assignment, Congressman Bishop is a member of a number of caucuses and task forces that help him better serve the people of Southwest Georgia:

Congressional Military Family Caucus, Co-Chairman
The primary goal of the Congressional Military Family Caucus is to foster the interests of family members of the uniformed services by educating Members of Congress and their staff on the challenges that a military family faces on a daily basis, and to see that these concerns are properly identified, addressed, and resolved.

Congressional Peanut Caucus, Co-Chairman
The Congressional Peanut Caucus (CPC) is a group of 17 lawmakers representing states with significant peanut farming and production. Members of the CPC have agreed to work together to ensure that peanut interests have a strong voice in Congress, and that peanut issues are taken into account in agricultural legislation. The CPC is co-Chaired by U.S. Representatives Martha Roby (R-AL) and Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (D-GA).

Congressional Black Caucus

The Congressional Black Caucus was formed in 1969 when the 13 black members of the U.S. House of Representatives joined together to strengthen their efforts to address the legislative concerns of black and minority citizens. Congressman Bishop is the co-chair of the 2014 CBC Legislative Conference.

The Blue Dog Coalition
The fiscally conservative Democratic Blue Dog Coalition was formed in 1995 with the goal of representing the center of the House of Representatives and appealing to the mainstream values of the American public. The Blue Dogs are dedicated to a core set of beliefs that transcend partisan politics, including a deep commitment to the financial stability and national security of the United States.

  • Budget and Financial Services Task Force
  • Energy Task Force

Congressional Chicken Caucus
The Congressional Chicken Caucus (CCC) was formed to educate other Members of Congress about the history, contributions and concerns of the U.S. chicken industry, which emanate from a wide range of issues pertaining to food safety, trade, labor, immigration and the environment. This bipartisan caucus consists of Members interested in the various issues affecting the U.S. chicken industry.  It also provides a platform to discuss the role of government in addressing current and future industry challenges. In addition, the Chicken Caucus serves as a forum where chicken producers, processors, consumers, and retailers can provide Members of Congress with their thoughts and suggestions on how to sustain and improve our poultry industries. 

Bicameral Congressional Caucus on Parkinson’s Disease
The Bicameral Congressional Caucus on Parkinson’s Disease was created to increase awareness on Capitol Hill about Parkinson’s disease issues, and as a means to keep Members of Congress and their staffs informed of the latest developments in Parkinson’s-related legislation and biomedical research.

Bipartisan Congressional Task Force on Alzheimer’s Disease
The Task Force grew out of a desire to create a vehicle within Congress that could focus national attention on Alzheimer’s disease and the health crisis it presents. The Task Force provides an important forum where issues and proposed solutions concerning Alzheimer’s could be discussed and investigated.

Capital Fraternal Caucus
Founded in the summer of 2002, the Capital Fraternal Caucus stemmed from the formerly named Greek PAC. The group began as a way to develop and maintain a Greek presence in DC. The CFC has worked extensively on legislative efforts and civic engagement efforts relating to fraternities and sororities on issues relating to freedom of association, Title IX, housing and infrastructure improvements, and fire prevention.

HBCU Congressional Caucus
Launched in April 2015 to support the nation’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), the mission of the Bipartisan Congressional HBCU Caucus is to highlight and address unique challenges that HBCUs face; and to make sure their needs are heard and recognized on Capitol Hill. The purpose of the Caucus is to promote and protect the interests of HBCUs, create a national dialogue, educate other Members of Congress and their staff, and work to draft meaningful bipartisan legislation to address the needs of HBCUs, and to support students and graduates of HBCUs by increasing access and career opportunities.

Congressional Academic Medicine Caucus
To educate other Members on the unique care, research, and training missions of teaching hospitals and medical schools.

Congressional Afterschool Caucus
To build support for afterschool programs and increase resources for quality afterschool care.

Congressional Biomass Caucus
The Congressional Biomass Caucus educatedMembers and their staff about the significant role biomass power has in America’s energy portfolio.  As Congress continues to debate ways the United States can become more energy independent, the Cuacus strives to raise awareness of the environmental and economic benefits that biomass power has in our country.

Congressional Career and Technical Education Caucus
The Congressional Career and Technical Education Caucus is a bipartisan group of Representatives committed to supporting and promoting CTE.

Congressional Caucus on Intellectual Property Promotion and Piracy Prevention
The Congressional Caucus on Intellectual Property Promotion & Piracy Prevention supports initiatives to protect intellectual property and copyrighted works. The Caucus works to prevent internet piracy, while highlighting the economic and cultural contributions of the creative community and the harmful impact of piracy.

Congressional Chemistry Caucus
The Chemistry Caucus is a bipartisan group founded by Congressmen Dan Lipinski (D-IL-03) and John Moolenaar (R-MI-04) to help educate members of Congress, their staff, and the public on the importance of the U.S. business of chemistry. This $801 billion industry plays a crucial role in our nation’s economy, and the innovations of chemistry make our lives safer, healthier, and more convenient in many ways. Because of chemistry’s broad impact, the Caucus will stand as a strong voice in the promotion and advancement of public policies related to the chemistry industry and science education.

Congressional Diabetes Caucus
The mission of the Congressional Diabetes Caucus is to educate members of Congress and their staffs about about diabetes and to support legislative activities that would improve diabetes research, education and treatment.

Congressional Fire Services Caucus
Founded in 1987, the Caucus unites Republicans and Democrats in support of fire service legislation that benefit all first responders.

Congressional Heart and Stroke Caucus
The Congressional Heart and Stroke Coalition advocates for better research, treatment, and awareness about cardiovascular disease.

Congressional Humanities Caucus
The caucus was founded in 2004 to ensure the vitality of the humanities in American life and to provide a forum for Members of Congress to engage in the humanities in current public policy issues.

Congressional Hunger Caucus
The Congressional Hunger Caucus is a bi-partisan group dedicated to creating solutions to end domestic and international hunger. This Caucus was created in response to Congressman Tony Hall’s 22-day hunger fast in 1993. The Congressional Hunger Center provides fellowships to cultivate “anti-hunger leaders in the domestic and international arenas.”

Congressional Law Enforcement Caucus
The Law Enforcement Caucus is a bi-partisan working group of Members of Congress who seek an open forum to address issues affecting the law enforcement community.

Congressional National Parks Caucus
The National Parks Caucus works to highlight and preserve our national treasures, which are home to some of America’s most beautiful sites exhibiting our cultural heritage and a proven investment with broad economic benefits.

Congressional Real Estate Caucus
The caucus is intended to serve as a forum for members of Congress and real estate professionals to discuss federal policy and its impact on the nation's real estate industry.

Congressional Scouting Caucus
The Scout Caucus comprises Congressmen who were scouts as youth, are scouts as adults, or who simply support the efforts of the international scout movement.

Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus
Founded in 1989, the bipartisan Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus has grown into one of the largest and most effective caucuses in the US Congress with nearly 300 members representing almost all 50 states. With bipartisan leadership in both the House and the Senate, the Caucus is the sportsmen's ally and first line of defense in Washington promoting and protecting the rights of hunters, trappers and anglers.

Congressional STEAM Caucus
Formed in 2013, the STEAM Caucus aims to increase understanding of the importance of arts and design to STEM subjects, to change the vocabulary of education to recognize the benefits of both the arts and sciences- and their intersections- to our country's future generations and to spread the word and prioritize STEAM education.

Congressional Steel Caucus
Founded in the early 1970s, this bi-partisan coalition promotes the health and stability of the domestic steel industry, as well as the interests of its workforce. The strength of the American steel industry is of vital importance to national security due to the need for a domestic supply of high-quality steel for military equipment.

Congressional Sudan Caucus
The Congressional Caucus on Sudan & South Sudan is a bipartisan Congressional Member Organization dedicated to serving as a central location for information on developments in the Sudans, for purposes of coordinating congressional action and partnering with constituency groups in support of comprehensive peace in the region.

Congressional Taiwan Caucus
The Caucus focuses on U.S. policy toward Taiwan and hopes to provide the Administration with a perspective and advice on U.S.-Taiwan relations.

Congressional Textile Caucus
The Textile Caucus was founded to provide Members of Congress and their staff with an open forum to address issues affecting U.S. textile manufacturers and their workers.  The caucus works to promote policies and other initiatives that support American jobs and a robust future for U.S. textile and apparel manufacturers. 

Congressional TRIO Caucus
The Congressional TRIO Caucus is a bipartisan group of Members of Congress supportive of the Federal TRIO Programs and higher education access for low-income, first-generation, and disabled students.

Congressional Vision Caucus
The Congressional Vision Caucus (CVC) is a bipartisan coalition of Congressional Members dedicated to strengthening and stimulating a national dialogue and policy on vision-related problems and disabilities.

Congressional Voting Rights Caucus
The Congressional Voting Rights Caucus is dedicated to protecting our democracy by ensuring that the fundamental right to vote is safeguarded for all Americans.

Congressional Zoo and Aquarium Caucus
The Congressional Zoo and Aquarium Caucus comprises supportive members of the U.S. House of Representatives who join together to support the interests of AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums.

Hidden Heroes Congressional Caucus
The Hidden Heroes Congressional Caucus for Military and Veteran Caregivers advocates on behalf of the nearly 5.5 million spouses, parents, children, and other loved ones who serve as volunteer caregivers to America’s wounded warriors.

House Agriculture Energy Users Caucus
The House Agriculture Energy Users Caucus highlights, and acts upon, the rising energy costs and their impact on the agricultural community. The bi-partisan Caucus serves as a voice for rural America and educates Members of Congress on the issues affecting agricultural uses of energy.

House Army Caucus

House Beef Caucus
The House Beef Caucus is committed to advocating for the U.S. beef and cattle industry through raising awareness of the issues impacting this industry. The Caucus educates and informs Members of Congress, and their staff, about U.S. cattle and beef production. Members are given the opportunity to speak about the importance of ranching in the U.S. and utilize opportunities to aid ranchers.

House Military Depot and Industrial Facilities Caucus 
The House Military Depot and Industrial Facilities Caucus is a coalition of Members of Congress who represent military industrial facilities, including aviation depots, shipyards, arsenals, ammunition plants, and energetic material production facilities.

International Conservation Caucus
The Caucus is committed to helping the United States to lead public and private international partnerships that provide stewardship of natural resources for habitat and bio-diversity protection, poverty reduction, economic development and regional security.

National Guard and Reserve Components Caucus
The Reserve Components Caucus is a cohesive Congressional Members Organization (CMO), which serves as a forum for Congressional oversight and represents the Reserve Components of the United States military.

Out of Poverty Caucus
The Out of Poverty Caucus is dedicated to raising awareness about the millions of Americans living without adequate food, shelter, clothing, and health care. The Caucus also provides the means to help remove individuals and families from poverty.

Rural Housing Caucus 
The 30 members of the Congressional Rural Housing Caucus are active in pursuing legislation and fighting for the housing needs for Rural America.

Rural Working Group
The Rural Working Group is dedicated to improving the quality of life in rural America, with a focus on providing health care, quality education, and accessible communications technology to rural Americans.

U.S.-Japan Caucus
The U.S.-Japan Caucus is a bipartisan congressional organization with more than 70 members who are dedicated to strengthening U.S.-Japan relations. The caucus aims to facilitate bilateral collaboration on issues of common interest between our two countries, including trade, foreign direct investment, regional stability, military cooperation, energy, technological development, and the environment. The Caucus collaborates with other entities and stakeholders that share this objective.

Vietnam Era Veterans in Congress
The Vietnam Era Veterans in Congress monitors the actions and agenda of the Veterans’ Administration (VA) and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. The Caucus primarily focuses on health issues and the VA’s treatment of Vietnam Veterans. The Caucus is responsible for highlighting the affect of the herbicide Agent Orange on Vietnam Veterans.

Water Caucus
The Caucus is committed to promoting dialogue and action on our water issues by ensuring an adequate supply of fresh water for both urban and rural areas, supporting all available technologies to increase water supply and reduce waste, increasing means of capturing and storing excess water for the future, supporting adequate water infrastructure, and consolidating and streamlining efforts at all levels of government to reduce bureaucratic red tape.

Heart and Stroke Caucus

Congressional Glaucoma Caucus

Congressional Kidney Caucus

Congressional Fragrance Caucus